5G: Network slicing | Impact | Stats

Karthik G
upday devs
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2021

5G means fast & low latency ~ Speed of transmission on 5G could reach up to 15–20 Gbps with ultra low latency of not more than 10 milliseconds

5G is actively rolled out across the globe quickly and many countries have made significant investments in this technology. Retail markets are flooded with many 5G compatible devices from all major manufacturers. It is estimated that 15% of the global mobile communications will use 5G by 2025.

Source: Statista

What is network slicing and why is it important for 5G ?

Network slicing allocates bandwidth to each service separately and allows control of data travel specific to the slice, enabling operators to implement SLAs per slice, based on business requirements. For instance, a low-latency slice is used to enhance gaming experience.

Network slice characteristics for most of the use cases:

1. Low latency

2. High bandwidth

3. Ultra-reliability

End-to-end (E2E) network slicing will enable creation of multiple virtual networks within a single physical infrastructure. Each virtual network will have different characteristics, depending on the business it is catered to and its requirements.

Benefits of E2E network slicing:

  1. Guaranteed throughput ~ Services can deliver guaranteed throughput via a slice configured with respective characteristics such as low-latency/high bandwidth
  2. Effective management of network resources
  3. Development of new business solutions across industries

Impact of 5G on mobile apps:

Low latency and high bandwidth of 5G will change the way users experience mobile apps and the way they function. Performance ought to be an important KPI as a measurement of users’ satisfaction in the 5G era.

  1. Video streaming on mobile apps will soar with 5G due to high bandwidth and transmission capabilities. It is estimated that video streaming will account for around 75% of the mobile internet market globally in the next decade
  2. High definition (up to 8K) streaming without latency/buffering is possible with 5G
  3. AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) which require a lot of data processing and are experiencing a lot of latency in the current 4G networks will progress in the 5G era with higher data transmission speed providing the users with greater experience
  4. Online gaming space will experience a tremendous growth with 5G, thanks to the low latency video streaming and improved data processing speeds. It is estimated that the value of gaming market will reach $300 billion by 2025
  5. High definition video and VR ADs will be a reality

Statistics is the grammar of science

Key stats of 5G evolution:

Source: Statista
Source: Statista
Source: Statista — Forecasted 5G subscribers until 2026
Source: GSMA

To come up with a verdict — it’s been explained what network slicing is standing for and why it’s that essential concerning 5G networks. Moreover, a 5G impact on mobile apps has been overviewed, followed by some key stats witnessing on 5G evolution and forecasting its domination in the years to come.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and you know the drill — clap, comment and share. Cheers, Karthik



Karthik G
upday devs

Work hard. Have fun. Dream big. Be adventurous.