Feel good Friday news!

Katie Wilson
upday UK and Ireland
2 min readOct 10, 2018

Brightening up your Friday with the most heartwarming stories we’ve seen this week.

Credit: Unsplash

Well-wishers paid for a deaf 10-year-old to get new hearing aids

Kind-hearted members of the public have raised £4,500 for a schoolboy to get new hearing aids after his other ones were destroyed by a gang of thugs.

The 10-year-old was pushed over and had his hearing aids ripped out and stamped on in the unprovoked attack last month.

A new app lets you help the homeless in a better way

An app called Greater Change lets you help the homeless, or those at risk of homelessness, by donating funds online for a specific purpose.

This could be towards helping them with a rental deposit, or buying a passport — and they don’t need a bank account to be able to receive the money.

The scheme was set up in Oxford by student Alex McCallion and has been so successful it will now be rolled out in other cities.

The ‘Bike Lady of York’ fixes up bicycles and gives them to refugees

Emma Frost has become known as the Bike Lady of York for the amazing work she has done to help refugees in her area.

In two years, she has donated more than 45 bikes to adults and children who have fled war or persecution and settled in the UK.

Read more about her Bikes In Need project and what you can do to help.

A critically endangered gorilla was born

Zookeepers at Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens in Florida are celebrating the birth of a critically endangered baby gorilla.

The adorable female western lowland gorilla was born on September 28 and has yet to be named. Check out the other pictures for more Friday cuteness!

Del Boy and Rodney are coming to the West End (cushty!)

Beloved sitcom Only Fools and Horses is to be made into a West End musical which will debut next February.

Comic actor Paul Whitehouse has helped write the production, starring PhoneShop actor Tom Bennett as Del Boy.

Chas Hodges, of Chas and Dave, who passed away last month, also helped with the 20 news songs for the production.

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Katie Wilson
upday UK and Ireland

Mobile Editor @updayUK | Mainly wearing leopard print and a smile