Good cop, bad cop, carrots and sticks

Bora Kwon
upday UK and Ireland
3 min readOct 20, 2017

The EU dangle trade talks in front of Britain

Theresa May tries to blend into the colour scheme (Picture by Getty Images)

Come dine with me

With Brexit talks stalled and her big Florence speech not having punched through the deadlock as hoped, Theresa May went to dinner. Flanked by her Brexit man David Davis, the prime minister flew into Brussels to meet with the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. Although billed as a formerly arranged private dinner, the timing of the meeting — days before a crucial summit of the EU 27 leaders — was widely interpreted as an attempt to push things along.

The outcome? Hugs, smiles but no real resolutions. Both May and Juncker said that negotiations ‘should accelerate’ but neither gave any indications as to how that could happen.

Mixed messages

The climax of the week was the crunch Brussels pow-wow. Addressing the leaders of the 27 EU countries at the start of the summit, the prime minister’s message seemed to be ‘give me something to work with here’.

And thus began a hectic two days of mixed messages. With 27 heads of state all wanting to get their point across, things started to get confusing.

Dangling the carrot 🥕…

But flexing the stick❗️…

Good cop from Germany 🙂….

Stern cop from France 😠….

The summit was not a total waste 👍🏼…

But we’ve only got eight weeks to sort it out 🗓….

Back at home

After all that, the prime minister also has to deal with the rebellious kids on the backbenches. The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill , AKA the ‘breathtaking power grab’ / ‘an orderly Brexit’, is on hold and will not be debated next week as originally planned.

Don’t worry prime minister, it’ll stop hurting after a while

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