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upday UK and Ireland
2 min readJun 22, 2016


In or out? A last-minute selection of Brexit reading, for your consideration

What is there left to say about the EU referendum? Tomorrow we’ll be voting, and by this time on Friday we’ll have the answer and we can all get on with our lives.

Except we’ll still be talking about Europe on Friday and in the days, weeks and months following. Whether there is a Brexit or not, we will still have to deal with that big mass of land across the channel — and the millions who inhabit it.

We’ve scoured the Internet and found a selection of explainers that set out the issues under debate. Even if you’ve already decided, it is worth reminding yourself why the country is so split. We might be shouting at each other today but come Friday, we must face each other — and Europe — again.

After months of headlines, Quartz reckons Brexit comes down to three main points.

The media is as divided as the polls with sister publications such as The Times and Sunday Times, and the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, taking opposing views.

However, while families fight on Fleet Street, the Guardian and Telegraph have held consistent stances throughout the campaign. Here are their editorials.

If you’re after facts, figures and a meaty, in-depth read, take a look at The Economist’s guide to Brexit. It’s a 20-page pdf — you have been warned.

And finally, we close with the bizarre. The strangest moment in the referendum circus was surely the sight of Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof shouting at each other whilst bobbing up and down on the Thames. Find out what Vice saw on the front line of the Brexit flotilla.

Words: Bora Kwon

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Originally published at on June 22, 2016.

