Accommodating individual students in Moodle

If you haven’t had a chance to try some of our UDL tips, you might need to make accommodations for individual students in your course. This might be giving a student time and a half to write an assignment, or it may be changing the date the assessment is due. You can add accommodations to your activities in Moodle by adding User Overrides.

UPEI E-Learning Office
2 min readMar 24, 2016


The first step to adding a user override is to open the assessment or activity that needs the accommodation. As an example I’m going to add an override to my Moodle Midterm assessment.

Slide 1

Inside my Moodle Midterm, we’re going to scroll down to the Administration block. In the administration block, select User Overrides.

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On the User Override page select Add User Override. Now we can search for students who need exceptions or modifications. If a student is accessing the activity outside of your set timing, you can set a different window of time for that student to complete it.

With my example I’ve let a student write this midterm on Jan 27th, 2016 at 3:30 to 7:30. I’ve also given the student time and a half to write the midterm by adjusting the Time Limit.

If something goes wrong with a student’s attempt at an activity, you have the option to give a student an extra attempt. You can give additional attempts through User Overrides as well.

Slide 3

If you have questions about setting accommodations for your students, you can check out this video of the process. If you need help you can write to us at

