Add Online Presence and Pacing to Your Course with a Quick Weekly Video

Jason Hogan
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2020

Communicating in the course with students is a key part of a course regardless of whether it’s occurring face-to-face or online. One tool to consider is a quick weekly video. A weekly video is a great way to either set up the class for the week, or to re-cap and summarize at the end of the week.

With these videos having a 1 course shelf life a simple recording such as a webcam video in Blackboard Collaborate, Google Meet or a video recording with a cellphone camera is likely all the visual you need. Additionally these videos can be a great way to provide a bit of presence as the course instructor. Generally one-take facecam video will suffice as long as the audio is clear. These styles of videos can be a bit intimidating at first but get easier as you find your footing with the format.

As an instructor you may want to begin or end your week with a short video to highlight or connect key points, discuss where the class is in the course’s journey, share reminders about upcoming activities and due dates, and answer questions about the course.

I recommend considering an approach like this because of the benefits for presence and pacing in a fully online course. In an online course often it’s the more informal style appearances that can really demonstrate that you as the instructor are actively engaging. Showing students that you are actively in the class is a great way to encourage them to participate more as well.

Another piece that you can do is drawing attention to the ways that students have been participating. If you have a student who pushed an excellent question, brought in a great connection, shared something awesome, these are great opportunities to show that they’re having their effort recognized.

More info on recording re-cap videos:

If you have any questions about teaching your online course, feel free to reach out to us at the E-Learning Office.

