E-Learning Video Workshop

UPEI E-Learning Office
1 min readAug 4, 2016


We are hosting a video workshop!

Is this for you?

You’re probably starting to get organized for the beginning of the school year. Maybe you have been thinking about incorporating new resources or displaying older content in a different way. Maybe you have students who are in a different province or country that you are trying to reach out to and build a better connection with. Video could be something that creates these connections or brings new life to static content.

We don’t expect you to have amazing equipment or grand ideas. This kind of thing starts small and that’s where we come in. During this brief 2 hour workshop we will talk about the basics of planning, shooting, editing, uploading and sharing video.

This is a very simple overview of an area that may interest you and that could light the fire. We want to encourage creativity and curiosity in this workshop and everyone will go home knowing a little more about video production!

If you would like to join us register here.

If you have any questions about this workshop contact Kristy McKinney at kmckinney@upei.ca or elearning@upei.ca.

