My Tenets of Learning

Joel MacDonald
Published in
1 min readOct 31, 2019
Photo by Peter Aschoff on Unsplash

Last time around I shared some writings I did a few years ago in my alternative Medium personality — Brain Candy Learning. Reading through them again after some time has passed made me realize I really do like the message (as I pat myself on the back!). Here’s one more from that same area.

Tenet #1 — Learning should be fun. It should be something we want to do, not have to do.

Tenet #2 — Learning should captivate. It should make us forget about place and time.

Tenet #3 — Learning should provoke. It should challenge our beliefs, push us to our limits and make us fail along the way.

Tenet #4 — Learning should liberate. It should open us up intellectually and bring us closer to who we truly want to be.

When learning is fun, captivating, provoking and liberating it becomes an endeavour that we engage in all our lives.

