Scholarly Podcasting

Kristy McKinney
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2023

A few weeks ago, I attended the 9th Annual Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference and watched one of the plenary sessions with Brenna Clarke Gray. During her introduction, she mentioned her love for academic podcasting, specifically scholarly podcasting. I hadn’t come across this term before and, sorry Brenna, I immediately started looking into it as she continued her session on AI and the future of EdTech. All of this to say, I landed on the book Scholarly Podcasting: What, Why, How? by Ian M. Cook and ordered it immediately.

Scholarly Podcasting: Why, What, How? by Ian M. Cook

Scholarly podcasting is simply podcasting done by academics and this book explores all of the ways that it challenges and benefits academia. Podcasting has been a topic of interest on our campus for the last few years and I’ve been lucky enough to help the team of The Maudcast who began recording online in the Summer of 2020. Up until now, I have supported podcasting for faculty and staff in a technical way, but I am excited about the process as a whole since finding out more about scholarly podcasting.

This is just part one as I start to share more resources and build a conversation around Scholarly Podcasting at UPEI. I’d like to invite you in by sharing a few things:

First, is an episode of Teaching in Higher Ed where Bonni Stachowiack interviews Ian M. Cook about his book, Scholarly Podcasting: What, Why, How?.

Second, is the You Got This! podcast which is produced by the Learning Technology and Innovation team at Thompson Rivers University hosted by Brenna Clarke Gray.

And third, is a podcast that I have been listening to regularly for over a year called Hidden Brain hosted by Shankar Vedantam which isn’t about teaching or higher education, but has a lovely way of telling stories through research and interviews.

Are you a staff or faculty member at UPEI who is podcasting? Let us know, we would love to share your podcast!



Kristy McKinney
Editor for

Instructional Multimedia Specialist in the Teaching and Learning Centre at UPEI.