What do students see after a Moodle quiz?

Jason Hogan
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2020

Once you set up a quiz in Moodle you might be wondering what students can see once they finished. As an instructor you may want students to be able to do a thorough review of the quiz and the feedback you’ve provided, or you may want to limit what students can see after the test.

The Default

Here at UPEI the default settings we have are that students can’t see anything until the quiz has closed. Then students can see their mark.

Changing the View

Students being able to see only the mark is just the default, and as the course instructor you have the option to change these options. In Moodle what students can see is broken up into “What students can see” and “When they can see it”.

When they can see it
The first set of controls is the times. Moodle provides four times, though 1 only matters if you’re using an alternate test behaviour like CBM. These are: During the attempt; immediately after the attempt; later, while the quiz is still open; and after the quiz is closed.

Immediately after the attempt is a 1-time screen where students can see what you have allowed them to review, but they will not be able to return to this page after they leave it.

Later, while the quiz is still open means that students can go to the quiz after they have submitted their attempt and review what you have allowed them to see at any time before the quiz closes. This means that students can leave and return to the review multiple times.

What this means is you can have different settings depending on these times.

What they can see

In each of the time columns there are the elements that toggled for student review. These elements are: the attempt; whether correct; marks; specific feedback; general feedback; right answer; and overall feedback.

The attempt
The attempt is a review of the test; the questions the students were asked, the order they were asked, and how the student responded. The attempt will need to be checked in order for students to view whether correct, specific feedback, general feedback, and right answer.

Whether correct
This will let students see whether the answer they submitted was correct for a multiple choice or other select answer response. “The attempt” will need to be enabled for “whether correct” to be enabled.

Marks will let students see their overall grade on the quiz. If “the attempt” is checked, students will also see the marks they’ve earned on each question.

Specific feedback
Specific feedback is feedback that is tied to a specific answer for a question. For example, when building a multiple choice question, you can pre-write feedback for that response such as if that answer is a common misconception. If a question does not have specific feedback enabled, checking this box will not cause any harm. “The attempt” will need to be enabled for “specific feedback” to be enabled.

General feedback
General feedback is feedback that is in response to a question. This can be feedback that is either built into a question or feedback that is entered when grading. For example when grading an essay question you can make a comment along with the mark, that comment is general feedback. “The attempt” will need to be enabled for “general feedback” to be enabled.

Right answer
Right answer will display the correct answer if a student was wrong. This works for select response questions (e.g. multiple choice, matching, true/false questions). You can have all other options checked except “right answer” to encourage students to check the correct answer themselves. “The attempt” will need to be enabled for “right answer” to be enabled.

Overall feedback
Overall feedback is feedback at the entire quiz level. This can be pre-set in the quiz based on the grade earned by the student. The settings for this can be found in the Overall feedback section of the quiz settings. This would also be used if you enter feedback for the quiz in the Grader Report in Moodle.

How to change what students can see

Go to the quiz and press Edit and Edit Settings. In Review Options you can see the four time columns and the review elements in each column. You can check the box for the options you want students to see and when you want students to be able to see it. Note that whether correct, specific feedback, general feedback, and right answer will require the attempt be enabled first.

How students can access the attempt review

If students need guidance to access their review of the quiz. Once you have put the settings in place to allow them to review and the time settings are met, students can go to the quiz page and press the “Review” link in the attempt column. If the quiz allows multiple attempts students may see multiple rows for each attempt.

If you have any questions about the review options on a quiz feel free to reach out to the E-Learning Office!



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