How a Communication Tool Can Level Up Your Agency in 1, 2, 3

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4 min readAug 26, 2022

Since the pandemic, there are new business challenges that have been marked as prevalent in the government space. At present, agencies are confronted with (1) more jobs than applicants and (2) (the minuses of) a hybrid workforce. This means that at a time when communication is more important than ever, internal connections are at an all-time low.

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Debriefing at the water cooler is a thing of the past. Professionals these days are spending more time than ever meeting remotely. This makes for an uphill battle to build relationships with customers, peers, and partners. That’s why coaching in communications needs to take place where everyone is hanging out these days. On an app on your laptop.

Communication is the First and Last Step

To prevail in this post-Covid “new normal,” communication needs to be leveled up. Emails and sales and marketing collateral must be refined to a “t.” Consider the words of author Theo Gold who proclaimed that “Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively.”

Undoubtedly, communication 4.0 will be a game-changer in the global marketplace for the coming decade. Getting good at words is what gives you that much-needed competitive edge. And everyone in the marketplace is talking about it.

73.4% of employers are on a mission for human talent with excellent writing skills. It is pivotal in maximizing these core areas, i.e., customer service, brand image, and transactions.

Bolster Your Customer Service

The number of government workers taking to email and chat to communicate with customers is at an all-time high. Paying attention to how your customer-facing people come across in these can mean the difference between a high customer sat score and a low one.

The words that you choose can be transformative. This is Business 101 and vital to all factions within the government that focus on service. According to the Harvard Business Review, 80% of companies have their eyes on those customer satisfaction scores. In an age dominated by intel, these are relied upon heavily to analyze the UX and improve it.

To succeed in customer service, you need to develop content that resonates with your audience. Communication leader Johnny Tan weighs in “Although we live in an information technology age, we often find ourselves in failure to communicate situations.”

Can you relate to the sentiment? The truth is that if an entity understands what a customer wants, they can respond in a more efficient manner. Some workers have deep insight but call for assistance in the execution. A helper tool that you can switch on or off can be the perfect easy fix. It can serve as a supplement to conveying the right message. Emphasis on how each and every rep expresses themself stands to shape service on a large scale.

Bolster Your Brand Image

Professionals working in the public realm get a bad rap. And the current work environment plaguing an array of orgs across the US doesn’t make it any easier. The saying goes that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. This also pertains to your front line in their writing communications.

There is an increased focus on communications at the workplace. Upper management is concerned with how they come across to their subordinates. Peer groups are paying close attention to the view of their emails in the face of other departments. And all are consumed with their appearance to others of being professional.

While some of us are self-conscious, there is no doubt that the paragraphs that we compile and the style we apply are of consequence. Most people could use a second set of eyes or whispering in the ear when crafting that all-important email. You don’t need to be the CEO to enlist the support of an assistant.

Like anything that is worth building upon, you need a mentor to guide along the way. After that, you will have gathered the confidence to take the ball running. With the advent of a SaaS writing assistant, short and long-term tweaks to communications can be put into motion. Image is top of mind. Self-advocacy is the answer.

Bolster Your Win Rate

Whether framing yourself amongst an audience of peers or in front of a third party, everyone wants to come across “the right way.” Anything less could result in misunderstanding. Worse yet, it could mean a missed opportunity or a lost deal.

Delegation of the best sentence structure can also dictate the outcome of a transaction. Your high EQ should be ever-present in your correspondence. Connection is a skill to be coveted in the public sector. Only a small group of the working population has proven prowess in this area. There is the dominant right versus left brain and few are good in both. It is the perfect mix of art and science.

For those who have been long-time government employees, you know what it will take. It’s about honing the skills of the small group of workers who are showing up at work every day. Envision a solution that is smart enough to take into account the geo of its target. Imagine a do-it-yourself tool that can deliver “how-to” message tips that are spot on for every situation.

The Bottom Line

Local and state municipalities have a lot to contend with these days. With a special focus on customer service, brand image, and transactions, the government can see real benefits. According to a study by Ring Centra, 97% of employees deem communication to impact their task success on a daily basis.

Know-how in communication is the surefire way to ease the difficulties that are at the forefront of the public sector today. The good news is that there is cutting-edge technology on the market that can turn this situation around in 1, 2, 3.



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