Nour: “I have several ambitions”

Up for School Lebanon
#UpForSchool Lebanon
2 min readOct 28, 2015
Photograph: Tabitha Ross/ A World at School

I have several ambitions, but most of all I want to be a doctor, because of the war and everything that has happened.. I want to know how to help and cure others.

If I were a doctor I could have helped my sister when she got injured. She was on her way to school. An aeroplane was dropping barrel bombs. Glass and rocks exploded all over us. A piece of shrapnel went straight through my sister’s thigh and out the other side. We were running, my mum was carrying my baby brother. My sister tried to run but she was losing so much blood she fell to the ground.

A taxi came past and the driver took her to hospital. She had lost so much blood her face went yellow. They bound up her leg and gave her a tetanus shot, and sent her to another hospital to have a scan to check there was no shrapnel left inside. She was ok.

Then a year later my brother was killed on the bus on the way to school when fighting broke out between rival groups. He was killed by a sniper. He was 15, he would be 18 now if he’d lived.

We had to leave.

Lebanon is nice but the hard thing is that it’s very expensive. Everything costs a lot and especially schools.

I stopped school in the middle of 5th grade when I was 12 years old, when we came here.

I miss my teachers and my friends. I was the favourite student of all my teachers because I was focused and worked hard.

My brothers and sisters and I should be at school. We are growing up and if we don’t go we’ll not learn reading and writing or anything. The little ones just play in the street all day. If they could go to school they’d learn to be focused and quiet but now they’re naughty because they have nothing in their lives.

I was very smart at school and a good student. If I were still at school I’d be good at maths and science. But because I didn’t go for such a long time I’m forgetting even what I used to know.

Nour, 15, is from Joba near Damascus. She has been in Lebanon three years.



Up for School Lebanon
#UpForSchool Lebanon

The #UpForSchool petition has brought together a movement of over 10 million people behind the the demand that every child should be able to realise their right to go to school safely. 59 million children around the world are still left without that right, and without an education. Together we can create a message no government, politician or world leader can ignore. Join the millions who standing #UpForSchool, Sign the petition, and be part of the movement building A World at School.