Day #1 — Getting to 10k/M or “Goddamn, close Reddit, get to closing”

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The Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step… or so the old cliche goes.

Yet, behind the cliches and proverbs lies the wisdom of the ages.

But how much can change in merely 30 days?

The realist in me would say “It depends”. The optimist me would say “A lot!”. The pessimist in me just left the house.

The BIG Idea — Get the agency I started with my buddy Andrew a few months ago, to a reliable 10K monthly revenue.

I left my corporate job, which I got while still in college, in February, to ride the wave towards glory by doing something I enjoy — Marketing & Advertising.

The Trouble — We got some success, not resounding, but enough to make more than I did in the old job. While also having quite a lot of time on my hands.

Bueno… But No Bueno.

I figured I am a Type A personality quite a long time ago. Coupled with some mild ADD, I got myself quite the cocktail. If I don’t progress for some time, i get agitated.

Therefore, the solution is obvious: Set a big goal and march to it.

Why make it public?

Because I’m more inclined to stick to it, despite the expected hurdles.

And there will be. Being told to F**k off in an email isn’t funny. But I reason it is somewhat necessary. Plus, I received a few of those already, so I feel an immunity developing.

The Overarching Strategy — Spray and pray

I’m only half joking with this one.

The way we are looking for clients is a combination of cold approach (Email, Linked In, Facebook) and Facebook Ads.

The cold emails are both sent in bulk, when we can’t find much data about the potential clients, and targeted, for those which are more liberal with their information.

For Facebook Ads, we are using highly targeted video ads, where we show directly what we are going to do for them. However, for some odd reason, which beats me (if you have a fix, do tell) I’m the Awkward Penguin on camera, even though I’m as extrovert as it gets.

This is why my partner, Andrew, will deal with it. Steal the show, boye!

I Will Need To Cut:

Distractions — Last night I started a Marvel Marathon. This won’t end well

Pizza and crap food — by far the hardest


Consuming bullsh*t content — more producing, less devouring

Day #1 Tasks — — what was done

Built the funnel for the Facebook Ad presentation

Aquired more emails

Sent some 200 bulk emails

Got 2 F**k offs — always a good sign

Created Instagram Content for a few days for brand awareness

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Michael Stroe
Building a Digital Marketing Agency (Challenge: 30 days)

Facebook Ads Consultant, Increasing revenues in the Health + Wellness Sector mainly/ Building a 10 K/M Marketing Agency in 30 days. Marketing an as Art.