Can Finasteride Cause Sexual Dysfunction and Prostate Cancer?

Minoo Behzadi
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2020

What You Should Know About Two of Finasteride’s Potential Side Effects

Credit: Mostafa Meraji / Unsplash

Disclaimer: Your healthcare provider is the best source of health and medical information. Articles written by UPGUYS are informed by peer-reviewed studies and research, as well as governmental health authorities and agencies — but they cannot replace advice from a healthcare professional. Talk to your healthcare provider about any physical or mental health concerns you might have.

As the saying goes, you have to take the bad with the good. Of course, if something’s really good, you might be more likely to take the bad. But if the bad is really bad, it might not matter how “good” something is.

Take finasteride for example. Research from around the world has shown that it can be an effective treatment in reducing hair loss resulting from male-pattern baldness, and encouraging hair regrowth. Treating a condition that affects around 50 percent of all men is a good thing. But what about the bad parts?

Like most prescription medications, finasteride brings with it some potential side effects. These range from mild and common to rare and serious. But two of the potential side effects known to affect a small percentage of patients can be especially worrying for men: sexual dysfunction and prostate cancer.

No matter how rare certain side effects may be, it’s important for men currently taking, or thinking of taking, finasteride to understand the potential risks and rewards. This article will take a look at two of the more troubling potential side effects mentioned above.

Can Finasteride Cause Sexual Dysfunction?

British Columbia’s Health Authority lists two potential side effects of finasteride use related to men’s sexual health. These include a decrease in sex drive (the desire to engage in sexual activity with a partner or alone) and a decrease in the amount of semen discharged during orgasm. Neither effect is immediately dangerous to one’s physical health, but they can persist even after patients have stopped taking finasteride.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced changes to the professional labels that appear on both the 1mg and 5mg varieties of finasteride. These changes, announced in 2012, forced labels to include a list of sexual adverse effects that included erectile dysfunction, lower libido, ejaculation and orgasm disorders.

This is understandably concerning to some men, given the importance of a healthy sex life to a man’s overall wellbeing. What’s even more noteworthy is the persistence of side effects even if the drug is no longer being taken.

With that said, the FDA acknowledges that only a small percentage of men experience these adverse effects. In clinical trials, just 3.8 percent (36 of 945) reported they experienced one or more of the adverse sexual effects listed above. In those same trials, 2.1% of men who received a placebo also reported adverse sexual experiences. And for the most part, side effects stopped when the drug was no longer being taken.

Does Finasteride Cause Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in Canada and the United States. Since finasteride lowers DHT — a naturally occurring hormone that causes prostate growth — researchers have wanted to examine whether finasteride could actually lower incidences of prostate cancer in men. Thus, the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) study was created, involving more than 18,000 men over a period of nine years.

The study found that finasteride lowered the risk of developing prostate cancer among men by 30 percent, which, just like reduced hair loss, can be considered a “good” thing. So what’s the problem?

It turns out that, despite the lower risk of developing prostate cancer, men in the study who took finasteride (as opposed to the placebo) were at a higher risk of developing more serious forms of prostate cancer. That is, higher-grade prostate cancer whose cells spread faster and can be more aggressive. Although, more recent studies show that instances of high-grade prostate cancer causing death in the finasteride group versus the control group were minimal.

Take the Good with the Bad?

While serious side effects may only impact a small number of finasteride users, it’s important to be aware of all the risks. This article only highlighted two of the potential side effects. There are more side effects to be aware of, and much more knowledge to be shared on the topic by a trusted healthcare professional.

If you’re considering all options for treating male-pattern baldness, schedule an appointment with a doctor. They will be able to assess your current health and any medication you’re taking and decide the best course of action.

Click here to schedule a free doctor’s appointment with a licensed physician through UPGUYS.

