Defeat Erectile Dysfunction Before Valentine’s Day

Minoo Behzadi
Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2022

A Thorough Look at ED & Treatment Options

Nearly 30 million men in the United States have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED). In Canada as well, almost half of the men go through problems in the bedroom at some point. ED is more common in men over the age of 60; however, this condition can plague men in every age bracket.

During high-stress instances, men may experience isolated incidents of impotence during sexual intercourse. If your ED occurrences normalize, you should seek medication for your sexual dysfunction.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, handling your medical condition can be a great way to improve your sex life. Keep reading to learn more about using Viagra and Sildenafil (generic Viagra) to manage your erection issues.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to create or maintain your erection during sexual relations. A flow of emotions can cause a mental blockage, so if your symptoms persist, you are typically suffering from an emotional hardship or a medical condition. Isolated instances of impotence occur as a result of stress; however, if it persists, you may need to seek treatment.

After mental or physical stimulation, a man’s penis typically enlarges. When an erection occurs, there is an increase in blood flow to the penis. This increase in blood flow causes the penis to get hard.

Erections can occur because a man’s penis relaxes. This allows blood to flow into the penis and fill two chambers inside the penis. As these chambers fill, the penis will harden.

An erection should end when the muscles contract. This contraction also happens after ejaculation. A man not plagued by ED is able to format and maintain his erection until ejaculation.

Causes of Impotence and Sexual Dysfunction

The inability to form an erection, aka erectile dysfunction (ED), can result from a negative emotional state as well as many physical conditions. Addressing your erection issues can be daunting, so identifying the cause can alleviate some of the pressure around your bedroom performance.

Too much alcohol, drug use, lack of sleep, stress, and anxiety can all cause temporary instances of erectile dysfunction. These causes are manageable. If your erectile dysfunction is rooted in these reasons, you may need to use medication for short-term use.

Men can also experience erection issues as a side effect of particular medications. Blood pressure medicine or antidepressants often list ED as a side effect. Erectile dysfunction can also be a symptom of other medical issues such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or hormone imbalance.

For these long-term ailments, you may need to regularly use ED medication. Because ED can result from pre-existing conditions or side effects, you should seek medical advice to identify the underlying condition.

Seeking A Diagnosis

If you have experienced symptoms of erectile dysfunction over the course of three or more months, you should speak with your doctor. It is important to seek a diagnosis before utilizing ED medication.

It will only take a few days for UPGUYS to deliver the ED medication to you discreetly, and by mail. There is still enough time for V-Day! Start your order today!

Symptoms of ED

Individuals with erectile dysfunction may experience the following:

  • Difficulty forming an erection
  • Inability to maintain an erection during sex
  • Less of a sex drive
  • Premature or delayed ejaculation
  • Inability to orgasm during sexual intercourse

If you begin to experience one or more of these symptoms, monitor them. Short-term episodes of ED are natural; however, a long-term occurrence of ED symptoms could signify a more serious underlying condition.

Get Tested For ED

If you suffer from erection issues, a urologist can assess and provide you with their recommendation. Erectile dysfunction diagnostic tests can be extensive. Your doctor may run a physical examination and have you complete a questionnaire.

Seeking Treatment For ED

See your doctor if you are experiencing ED due to an underlying condition or as a side effect of the medication. Although your doctor may recommend some natural remedies, oral medication is the most common treatment if the ED persists.

ED drugs are not available over the counter. Because insurance companies don’t always cover erectile dysfunction medication, the price point is a major competition between these different brands of ED medication.

Get back in the game with UPGUYS, just in time for V-Day! Start your order today!

Science Behind The Drugs

Erectile dysfunction medication acts as a muscle relaxant. These drugs work to smooth the muscles and increase blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation. These medications are orally taken before sex and are not integrated into your daily routine.

ED medications, like Viagra and Sildenafil, are PDE5 inhibitors. This means that these drugs work by blocking the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 and boosting your body’s nitric oxide production. This nitric oxide production makes the muscles relax in your penis.

When the muscles release, blood is able to flow freely and create a successful erection. ED drugs come with fairly common potential side effects like congestion and headaches but are typically viewed as safe to use.

Viagra Canada

Viagra is the most popular erectile dysfunction drug on the market. Viagra was introduced to the market in 1998, and it has been used by more than 64 million men worldwide.

Viagra should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. The effects of the medication should last for approximately four hours. If your erection persists, you typically need to seek out medical attention.

Viagra medication is offered in 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg sized dosages. For most men, the initial recommended dosage is 50 mg. Once you have started using it, the doctor may adjust your dosage to help improve your bedroom performance.

It should be mentioned that the right dosage varies for people, depending on their physical condition. So, it’s very important to speak to your healthcare provider and avoid using this or any other drug on your own.

Treat Your Erectile Dysfunction

If you suffer from sexual dysfunction and problems in the bedroom, you should seek expert advice. Connect with us, at UPGUYS, for generic Viagra (Sildenafil) and many more in Canada. We connect you to Canadian doctors and pharmacists to get the best advice and prescription for getting rid of your erectile dysfunction. It will only take a few days to deliver the package to you discreetly, and by mail. There is still enough time for V-Day! Start your order today!


Your healthcare provider is the best source of health and medical information. Articles written by UPGUYS are informed by peer-reviewed studies and research and government health authorities and agencies — but they cannot replace advice from a healthcare professional. Talk to your healthcare provider about any physical or mental health concerns you might have.

