Sexually Frustrated? Address Erectile Dysfunction With Your SO

Minoo Behzadi
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2022

It’s a well-established fact that openness and honesty are the cornerstones of good communication. Good communication, in turn, is the best foundation for any kind of relationship. This is especially true in the relationship you have with your significant other.

While we should all strive to be as open and communicative as possible with our partners, this is something that’s often easier said than done. Sometimes, there are certain issues that can be embarrassing, awkward, or difficult to broach. This is an entirely natural phenomenon, but it’s also one that you should be striving to overcome.

Being sexually frustrated — especially as a result of erectile dysfunction- will be tough on both you and your partner, which is one of the reasons it’s so important to talk about. But this doesn’t make it easy.

If you’d like to learn some tools and tips you can use when discussing sexual dysfunction with your SO, then this guide can help. Read on to find out how you can more easily bring up those challenging topics — in particular ED — and foster an overall more healthy and open relationship.

Erectile dysfunction affects an estimated 3 million Canadian men over the age of 40.

Let’s Talk About Erectile Dysfunction

Before you talk about erectile dysfunction with your partner, you may want to get a better understanding of it yourself. Knowing about some of the causes — and how prevalent it really is — can make it easier to discuss.

Your partner may have questions or concerns, and this is ok. Arming yourself with the relevant information will ensure you’re able to answer and address them in a patient and informed manner.

So, what do we know about erectile dysfunction, exactly? For a start, it’s likely more common than you think.

In fact, it affects an estimated 3 million Canadian men over the age of 40. Studies show that 1 in 10 men will experience ED at some point in their lifetime.

It is a little less common in younger men, though. Previously, it was believed only around 10% of men younger than 40 experienced ED. However, a more recent study showed that it occurred in approximately 26% of men under this age.

There can be a myriad of different reasons a man experiences erectile dysfunction. On the psychological side of things, stress, anxiety, and depression can all play a role. Potential physical causes include taking certain prescription medications, diabetes, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, and substance abuse — to name just a few.

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, there’s always some underlying reason behind it. Even getting to the bottom of what this is can increase your confidence sexually and make it easier to talk to your partner.

Talking about erectile dysfunction with your significant other requires proper planning and timing.

The Effects of ED on Your SO

Of course, sexual dysfunction is distressing and frustrating for the person who’s experiencing it. However, if that person is in a committed relationship, they must also think about its impact on their partner.

If you’re feeling sexually frustrated, you can take heart in the fact that your partner probably is too. It’s not an ideal situation to be in, but at least you’re in it together.

Erectile dysfunction can also have other more severe ramifications for your relationship and your partner. Intimacy is a huge component of the vast majority of relationships.

When erectile dysfunction occurs, physical intimacy can be challenging to achieve. This is important to talk about.

In addition to this, if you don’t talk about it openly and honestly, your partner can begin to believe that they’re the one to blame, which can lead to feelings of self-doubt and lowered self-confidence. In reality, erectile dysfunction is something you and your partner can tackle together as a united front.

Read more: Intimacy Without Penetration: What To Know About Affection Vs. ED

Talking About Erectile Dysfunction With Your Partner

It’s clear how important it is to talk openly and honestly about ED for many reasons. But of course, this doesn’t make it any easier. So, what are some comfortable and straightforward ways you can bring up this topic with your partner?

There are some components this conversation should contain. First and foremost, it should be honest. It should also be judgment-free and blameless on both of your parts.

It can be helpful to lay out some ground rules before beginning your discussion. Try to create a safe space in which you both feel comfortable expressing your feelings, so you can really listen to each other’s frustrations and concerns without becoming frustrated with one another.

When bringing up this topic, try to make sure the timing is right. In this sense, timing refers to a few different things.

You should make sure you’re starting this conversation when you’ve got plenty of actual time to discuss everything you need to. It may not be a quick chat, so pick a time when you’ve got room to talk.

From an emotional perspective, you should make sure both you and your relationship are in a good place to start this discussion. This means that you should feel confident and comfortable bringing up this subject.

But more than this, you should try and do it when your relationship is on solid ground. Try not to bring it up during or after an argument or as a reaction to some other strong emotion. Try to be on as even a keel as possible for this conversation.

Let Your SO Know You’re Sexually Frustrated

When either you or your partner are sexually frustrated, whether because of ED or not, the best course of action is always to have an open and frank discussion. Although it may not be easy, you should be able to have these tough conversations with your partner. In the end, it will lead to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

If you’re looking for any more guidance, information, or tips regarding living with or tackling ED, we’d be happy to help. Peruse the rest of our blog for any questions or concerns you have.

You can also talk to one of our doctors and see which medication fits best for you. It’s time to UP your game!

