Why Do Men Lose Hair on Their Head but Not Their Body?

Minoo Behzadi
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2020

There’s A Shared Culprit for Hair Loss and Back Hair

Credit: Bantersnaps / Unsplash

Life can be cruel for guys. Just as they come to grips with the reality that the hair on their scalp is thinning, you also notice some additional hair growth. But instead of covering up the bald spot, the new patch of hair is located squarely on the neck, back and shoulders.

Of course, there are many, many more significant cruelties in life than swapping head hair for back hair — some may even adapt to their new look with style and grace. Yet it still begs the question: why do some men lose hair on their scalp but continue to grow body hair with reckless abandon?

It’s important to call out that not all hair loss is the same. The most common — the one we’re referring to in this article — is called androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern balding. It usually develops gradually over time, affecting hair near the temples (resulting in a receding hairline) and the top of the head (resulting in a bald spot on the vertex of the scalp). Though the exact cause of male pattern baldness is not known, sensitivity to a naturally occurring hormone is believed to be a major factor.

What is this devilish hormone, you ask? It goes by the name dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short. For men whose genetics have a natural sensitivity to DHT, it disrupts and shortens the normal hair growth cycle. This makes the hairs you do grow more thin and more likely to break, which ultimately leads to hair loss.

But as DHT slowly picks away at men’s head hair, it also results in hair growth on the chest, back, shoulders, pubic area, face, nose and ears. That’s because the hormone plays an important role in developing what are considered typically male characteristics, like a deep voice, increased muscle mass, and body hair. Over the years, as body hair is exposed to DHT, it tends to grow and become more resilient to the hormone, which is the opposite of what happens vis-a-vis hair growth on the scalp.

Now, guys, let’s not be overly dramatic about this part of the natural aging process. Yes, developing more body hair can be unsightly, and force you to plan ahead before taking a shirtless trip to the beach. And we shouldn’t minimize the psychological effects of male-pattern baldness. Studies have shown that hair loss can have some seriously negative impacts to self-esteem and self-worth, which can turn into feelings of anxiety and depression. But instead of begrudging mother nature’s effects on our bodies, take action to find out what can be done about it.

If handling body hair is first on your to-do list, explore the wide variety of options available to you — ones that women have used for decades! Shaving, waxing and laser hair removal therapy are all effective ways of getting rid of hair you’d rather not be there. Each will vary in costs like money, time and pain (waxing is not for the faint of heart), but are all worth checking out.

There are also a bevy of options for addressing hair loss. Shampoos, conditioners and topical serums that have a thickening element in their formulation can all help reduce the appearance of hair loss and thinning hair. You could also head to your local pharmacy or shop online for minoxidil foams and sprays (commonly known under the brand name Rogaine®). Some studies have suggested that daily use of 5% minoxidil can help slowdown hair loss and encourage new hair growth.

You could also make an appointment with a doctor to explore prescription options for hair loss. Finasteride, one of these prescription options, actually works to block DHT at the source — helping to slow down hair loss. Like with any prescription drug, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. So check in with your doctor to see all your options.

Indeed, the irony of shedding hair where men need it most and growing hair where we could go without is not lost on anyone. But there’s no use in dwelling on it. And now that you’ve learned about why it happens, and some of your options, the time to get moving is now.

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