5 Simple Steps to Make Introductions using UpHabit

Luka Mrkovic
Published in
5 min readOct 30, 2020

The addition of UpHabit’s new Introductions feature for iOS is a game-changer for thoughtful Super Connectors and those who aspire to be one. Mixing all the features of a Personal CRM, Introduction gives professionals the power to quickly and easily make introductions whenever, wherever.

Super Connectors already know what they’re doing; introductions are a lifestyle of giving back and building better communities and relationships. But plenty of us is new to the world of building powerful networks of interconnected professionals. That’s why we’ve created a step-by-step guide to using UpHabit Introductions and connecting others the right way.

At the end of the day, UpHabit Introductions allows anyone to become a thoughtful Super Connector. All you need is to start connecting!

1. Find the Right People

When we think of Super Connectors, we may think that all they do is constantly introduce everyone in their network to each other. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Being a thoughtful Super Connector is all about introducing the right people, the right way.

That’s why picking the right people to introduce is the first step to any Introduction. Finding like-minded individuals that can add value to each other and their careers or lives is the goal of every connector.

Are you an executive that has colleagues who share a common vision? Introduce them to each other and see what happens! Maybe you’re in sales and want to win over a big customer? Connect that prospective customer to people in your network that can help them. Does your coworker need legal advice? Maybe connect them with your lawyer neighbour. There are hundreds of scenarios where connecting others can help you and your network, both professional and personal. By making timely, thoughtful connections, you can build your reputation and create a stronger network over time. Plus, with UpHabit it’s super-easy, super-fast, and very professional!

Pro Tip:

Always make sure you’re differentiating rank! You shouldn’t be introducing the CEO of a company to an aspiring employee; it should be the other way around. A common rule of thumb is to introduce the “lesser-ranking” individual to the “higher-ranking” one. The ranking is difficult to define but usually entails seniority.

2. Have a Reason

Why are you connecting your relationships? Like in step one, it’s important to understand the whos and whys to every introduction. Blindly introducing your connections without a specific reason doesn’t build value and is only detrimental to your network.

Finding the right people to connect is often the hardest part of an Introduction, especially now with the simplicity of UpHabit Introductions. The key is to make connections that are both relevant and valuable. As mentioned previously, connecting your coworker with a lawyer is both relevant and valuable: your coworker needs legal advice, and the lawyer has a chance to gain new business.

Diluting your influence and communities with introductions you don’t have a good reason to make benefits no one. Your connections begin to lose trust in the people you connect them with, while you add little to no new value to your community.

Pro Tip:

As executive coach Patrick Ewers recommends, ask yourself, “Do I truly know what each party wants right now? And does this introduction align with those needs? If so, how?” If you can answer these three questions, it’s likely a thoughtful introduction!

3. Compose the Right Message

Once we’ve figured out the right people and the right reason for an Introduction, it’s time to compose the message. UpHabit recommends creating a genuine message that reflects the goal of your introduction. This means focusing on the individuals you’re connecting with instead of yourself.

The goal of any message should be to give each contact an understanding of why they’re being connected. This means explaining your reason, namely how they can help each other. This can be done in a sentence or even a paragraph. As a thoughtful Super Connector, it’s important to personalize your messages and ensure that they properly reflect your relationship with each individual.

Pro Tip:

UpHabit provides users with preset Introduction templates that work! These sample templates can be used by themselves or edited to personalize each email. Pair with customizable templates and all your messages are just a click away.

4. Pick the Right Time

We’ve all had days when we wake-up or finish lunch and our inbox is flooded with emails. A mix of work, personal, and spam mail can make us just want to ignore our email. In the mix of a professional's inbox, and introduction email can easily be overlooked. Understanding your contacts and the time that works best for them will help you get the quickest and most receptive response.

Since introductions are usually a multiple-step process, with intro, follow-up, and feedback emails, scheduling them all together is important. Sending an introduction email on a Friday may not work well; your connections could forget by Monday. Creating a proper schedule that ensures both parties respond is key to an introduction.

Pro Tip:

Studies show around 10:00 am on a Tuesday may be the best time to send emails, but that is by no means the only good time. Thinking about when your contacts are most active, have personal time, and whether they are in a busy time can help you decide on the best time.

5. Schedule a Follow-up

Oftentimes, we may send our introduction email and think our job as a connector is done, but that’s the wrong mentality. Following up with your relationships is the key to building the communities that add value to you and your network.

Setting reminders to reach out and gain feedback with each individual will provide you with much-needed insights. Was your introduction a success? Did your contacts gain something? Learning what worked and what didn’t is the first step to becoming a thoughtful Super Connector

Plus, by following up, you’re only further developing your relationships and making sure you are part of the unique, new connection you helped create.

Pro Tip:

Using UpHabit Introductions and its thumbs up surveys and feedback features can make this whole process automatic. Easy to set-up and even easier to fill out, UpHabit ensures you reach out every time.

At first, making Introductions can seem like a daunting task. But as every thoughtful Super Connector knows, it quickly becomes a rewarding experience. Connecting others helps develop stronger communities and help you build the right relationships. With the help of the new UpHabit Introductions and these 5 simple steps, making introductions has never been so simple yet empowering.

About UpHabit

UpHabit is an easy-to-use app that takes the heavy lifting out of reaching out, following up, and building an effective professional network. Build a stronger network with UpHabit, an app for Thoughtful Super Connectors! Download now on iOS, Android, and MacOS.

