Top 5 Personal CRM Features

Luka Mrkovic
Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2021

As the world ceaselessly becomes more interconnected and technology helps us bridge physical gaps, connecting with people has been easier and easier. We can Zoom clients across the globe, celebrate birthdays virtually, and meet new people from the palm of our hand. But has our way of contact management kept pace?

We may use our contact book to keep numbers saved, LinkedIn to connect with our professional network, Facebook to stay in touch with family, and a wide list of apps to keep notes, reminders, and to-do lists. All these applications and tools, spread across our phones and computers, can be a major hassle and time waster to manage. That’s why Personal CRM’s have become so important.

Personal CRM’s are a recent adaption of the customer relationship management tool for our personal lives. In one single app, across all devices, you can manage all your contacts, networks, agendas, and reminders. We’ve talked about the benefits of Personal CRM’s and why you need one, but how do you choose the right one? To help you make that choice, we’ve ranked the 5 most important features in a Personal CRM.

1. Privacy

Personal CRM’s bring together all your contacts in one place, making managing your personal life easier. This centralization can be priceless, but it can also bring up privacy concerns, and rightfully so. Who has access and can see your contact information, and the contact information of all your friends, family, and colleagues?

That’s why privacy is the number one must-have feature of a Personal CRM. If you’re providing a company with your address book and personal relationships, privacy has to be a major concern. Ensuring that your Personal CRM does not sell or share your data should be a priority for any user.

Luckily, privacy is a top priority at UpHabit, the Personal CRM for thoughtful Super Connectors. With a Personal Data Promise signed by every team member, users can feel safe knowing that their information is just that: theirs.

2. Integrations

As our world becomes more and more digital, it can be hard to keep track of all of our social accounts. From friends on Facebook to followers on Twitter and connections on LinkedIn, our social lives are spread across various channels. So shouldn’t your Personal CRM make sure you can keep track of and work with all of them?

That’s why Integrations are one of the must-have features of any Personal CRM. Having the ability to sync everyone, across all your channels, is the only way to manage all your communities and connections. Without integrations, a Personal CRM is no better than a fancy phone book. But with integrations, it becomes the very centre of your social life.

What could be better than seeing a reminder to reach out, having all your notes at your fingertips, and then being able to check out their LinkedIn, Facebook, or other social media profiles? Well, with UpHabit’s Social Accounts integration, you can do that and more. With support for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Skype, Telegram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube (plus business and personal websites), UpHabit can help you manage your entire social footprint.

3. Reminders

When maintaining a strong network, it’s important to regularly reach out and engage with your relationships. With a large network, this can be a difficult task. And when we factor in our jobs and personal lives, it can seem impossible to keep up with it all.

For that reason, reminders are another Personal CRM must-have feature. Being able to set reminders for your contacts, whether it’s to reach out every month or wish a happy birthday, will make sure you stay in touch with and engage all your friends, family, and connections. That’s just the first step; it’s up to you to reach out and build your connections. But having your reminders in one place can help push you to make keeping in touch with your relationships a habit.

UpHabit has made reminders as easy as a couple of clicks, allowing you to set preset or custom reminders for each of your contacts. You can personalize your reminders by adding a title and setting whether it’s recurring or not. Once set, UpHabit will notify you when it’s time to connect, so make sure your Notifications are turned on!

4. Notes

One of the keys to building a stronger network is creating a personal connection with each of your relationships. Remembering important personal details and conversation topics can go a long way in creating a connection. But with a large network, remembering all these details and keeping them up to date and organized can be nearly impossible!

Clearly, a Notes feature is a necessity for any good Personal CRM. By allowing you to add details for each of your contacts, it can make an impossible task nearly effortless. Not only can it help you remember key details for all your family and friends, but it also allows you to build better and stronger relationships. With a Notes feature, forgetting is a thing of the past.

Luckily for users, the UpHabit Notes feature provides a seamless experience. With just a couple of clicks, you can add notes about their interests, hobbies, achievements, and anything you want to remember about your connection. Even better, you can search them quickly without a fuss.

5. Tags

Oftentimes, we keep all of our contacts in alphabetical order in our address book or email account, without an efficient organization to them. It’s easy to find a specific person when we know who we’re looking for. But what if we need to find someone that works in the tech industry or is a C-suite executive?

With a Tags feature, a Personal CRM can offer the solution. Having the ability to tag contacts and sort them can make the headache of unorganized contact books a thing of the past. Making them searchable and filterable only makes the experience better for any Personal CRM user, but especially for super connectors with hundreds of contacts. That’s why tags are another must-have for any Personal CRM.

With UpHabit’s Tags feature, it’s easier than ever to organize all your contacts into groups. There are limitless ways to do this; you can either start off with preset ones or create your own personalized tags. You can even add multiple tags per person. Once you’re set, all your tags are searchable and filterable in an instant.

Whether you are a young professional looking to start off your network, or a seasoned Super Connector, a Personal CRM can make managing your contacts, communities, and networks a breeze. But not all Personal CRM’s offer the same features, usability, and control. Choosing the right one can be difficult, but making sure it checks all 5 of these must-have features is the best starting point.

About UpHabit

UpHabit is an easy-to-use app that takes the heavy lifting out of reaching out, following up, and building an effective professional network. Build a stronger network with UpHabit, an app for Thoughtful Super Connectors! Download now on iOS, Android, MacOS and web.

