UpHabit vs. Sunshine Contacts: A Full Comparison Guide

Luka Mrkovic
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2021

As the world ceaselessly becomes more interconnected and technology helps us bridge physical gaps, connecting with people has been easier and easier. We can Zoom clients across the globe, celebrate birthdays virtually, and meet new people from the palm of our hand. But has our way of contact management kept pace?

We may use our contact book to keep numbers saved, LinkedIn to connect with our professional network, Facebook to stay in touch with family, and a wide list of apps to keep notes, reminders, and to-do lists. All these applications and tools, spread across our phones and computers, can be a major hassle and time waster to manage.

That’s why Personal CRM’s have become so important. In one single app, across all devices, you can manage all your contacts, networks, agendas, and reminders. We’ve talked about the benefits of Personal CRM’s and how to choose one before. But how do the leading Personal CRM’s actually compare?

Sunshine Contact has recently made a big splash in the CRM start-up world. With a range of Silicon Valley names and experience, it’s aiming to create “the world’s most advanced, intuitive contact manager.” Using special algorithms and a mix of public and private data, Sunshine aims to create a single app to manage, organize, augment, and update all your contacts into one location. When you import your current iPhone contact book, Sunshine will categorize your information, attempt to add detail to your contacts, merge duplicates, and allow you to easily share contact information yourself.

But what else should you expect from a personal CRM?

Users of UpHabit and readers of this blog have known about the amazing features and tools UpHabit, the Personal CRM for thoughtful Super Connectors, has to offer. UpHabit doesn’t just gather, merge, and centralize all your contacts; it also focuses on providing you with all the tools you need to build, expand, and nurture an amazing network. We’ve discussed some of the features that help you build a stronger network, but UpHabit’s latest addition, Introductions, takes it a step above the rest.

Making the Right Introductions

From the moment we step into the job market, we’re told we need an amazing network to help us advance our careers, grow our businesses, find future employees, and plenty more. But what makes an amazing network? At UpHabit, we believe in the power of relationships: strong connections with like-minded, driven individuals that are mutually beneficial. But we don’t make relationships with business cards, LinkedIn invites, or even a meticulously A.I.-generated address book. Instead, reaching out, following up, and being of help work to grow your networking, while building relationships. That’s where connecting becomes priceless.

UpHabit Introductions doesn’t make connecting people effortless, but it comes close! Once you’ve found the right people and the right reason to connect two or more people, it only takes a couple of clicks to build a stronger, more interconnected network. With preset Introduction templates, thumbs up surveys, and feedback features, UpHabit can help everyone become a Super Connector.

Other Personal CRM’s, such as Sunshine Contacts, simply don’t stack up. Sunshine Contacts allows easy exchange of contact information, but without customizable email messages and the ability to include multiple contacts in an exchange. This lack of introductions features can be a major dealbreaker for any networker, especially Super Connectors.

Why Privacy Matters

Both UpHabit and Sunshine Contacts stand by promises to protect and never sell user data. Users need to be able to trust the application that controls all their contacts and relationships, from their boss to neighbour, is safe and secure.

But some Personal CRM’s care more about privacy than others. UpHabit’s first core value is privacy, and its employees declared that “if it wasn’t, we’d all quit.” Every team member has signed a Personal Data Promise, which sets out UpHabit’s core values and data privacy commitments. Users can feel confident that their data and the data of all their contacts will never be sold or shared and that every step is taken to protect it.

Mistakes happen, and with a new product that relies on AI and automated algorithms, these mistakes can harm user privacy. In December 2020, TechCrunch reported on Sunshine Contacts’ algorithm auto-filling the home addresses of user contacts. However, this feature also added the personal information of distance contacts and even of people who weren’t Sunshine users. Although it is not a security breach and was addressed by Sunshine Contacts, it has still raised concerns about how much they focus on privacy within their designs.

Personal CRMs are growing, and more applications continue to become available to the millions of professionals around the world that rely on effective contact management, easy introductions, and reliable privacy. UpHabit has continued to offer a stand-out product that places privacy above everything else and has become the Personal CRM for thoughtful Super Connectors and those that aspire to be one!

About UpHabit

UpHabit is an easy-to-use app that takes the heavy lifting out of reaching out, following up, and building an effective professional network. Build a stronger network with UpHabit, an app for Thoughtful Super Connectors! Download now on iOS, Android, and MacOS.

