Who and how we recruit

Collaboration +++

At UpHill we’re looking for — and excited with — impact-driven, free-thinking, fast-learning and self-surpassing individuals.

Don’t get me wrong: to optimize your workload-salary ratio, look the other way. You are choosing to make a dent in the world, not a fancier lifestyle.

We want to join forces with those who build, not the ones who do.

We know by experience that working for a startup is not the same as taking part on a startup’s journey (if your “startup” has an HR department, think twice about the nomenclature).

We’re a small team, so new recruitees are expected to be impacful.
We hate long requirements and despise developers who simply digest them without questioning. We deeply believe everyone on the team should be committed to granting high-value features to our users, from UX to backend.

And we know that the biggest reward you get is the disruption UpHill makes in Healthcare, leading to better and safer care for patients.

Here is how we select force-of-nature individuals.

The process:

1. Call

A founder will call every candidate that passes through our screening. The call structure is the same for each candidate, 15 minutes to cover the following:

  • UpHill: background and current needs;
  • Candidate: intro, academic and professional background, current day-to-day work, ambitions;
  • Q&A: mainly to match applicant with the requirements.

2. Challenge

If the call is interesting enough, you will receive a challenge. This may be a business case or an app/service you need to code. You’ll have 48 hours to do it. It doesn’t need to be completed/fully-functional, we just want to get a sense on how you think.

3. Debrief

This is the exciting part. If we like your challenge solution, we will invite you for a discussion at UpHill. Here we will challenge your underlying hypothesis and try to build/optimize collaboratively on top of your solution. Mainly it will be just a 45 min chat or a whiteboard session with 2 team members and a founder.

4. Immersion

Cultural fit and team-spirit is key at UpHill and so is the alignment of expectations about your future role. As such, we will invite you to spend a morning/afternoon with us and we will assign you with one or two tasks. Usually, those tasks will require you to interact with members of our team.

By the end of the day, we will ask everyone’s opinion on you and how you could fit on our team.

5. Offer

If we are positive you will have impact and fitness, we will make a solid offer.

This is not bluff nor meant to be negotiable.
It will be an above-market term-sheet because we are really eager to get you onboard! Consequently, you have 24 hours to accept our offer.

Pardon us, but we really don’t care if you have other pending offers…
We are really interested in working with you if you are excited to be part of UpHill.

If your heart is split, please opt for the other half.

Btw, we’re hiring. 👨🏻‍💻👩‍💻

