A Guide to NFTs in Upland

Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2020


Bringing digital ownership to the next level.


Since day one, the foundation of the Upland metaverse has been a unique digital object we call the property parcel NFT. If you’re like most people, you might be thinking “what the heck in an NFT, exactly?”. So let’s get on the same page.

Here’s how Wikipedia describes an NFT:

“A non-fungible token, also known as a nifty, is a special type of cryptographic token which represents something unique; non-fungible tokens are thus not mutually interchangeable by their individual specification. This is in contrast to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and many network or utility tokens that are fungible in nature.
Non-fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership, and the possibility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms.”

In Upland’s case, the property parcel NFT is a collection of geo-unique “UpSquares”, measuring 3m x 3m each. These UpSquares are tied to a real-world address and minted on the blockchain, making them a scarce asset. The unique property NFTs in Upland are the core of what drives activity and value in our platform.

This is just the beginning.

As Upland prepares for mass adoption, and the metaverse expands with features, a new generation of digital assets will make their debut, and some old ones will evolve.

Our mission is clear: All digital assets in Upland will be truly owned by Uplanders. The only way to do this is — you guessed it — with NFTs!

So sit back, and let’s nerd out on the delicious details of the various ways that Upland will utilize this emerging technology.

Beyond the Property NFT

3D Map Assets

3D map assets are NFTs that appear on the surface of Upland’s map. The NFT itself will contain all necessary data on the blockchain (for example, the size class of a building). Meta-data, such as the actual 3D asset, will be notarized on the blockchain using IPFS (a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data).

Property-Tethered Assets
This type of NFT cannot exist without being tethered to a property parcel. A clear example of a property-tethered asset is a building. Since these items are always connected to a specific property, they cannot be traded on their own. The only way to change ownership of them is by trading the property that they are tethered to.

Portable Assets
Portable assets are not tethered to any property. This means they can be traded on their own. While these NFTs always belong to a specific location in Upland, the owner of these assets will be able to move them from one location to another. An example for this type of NFT would be a decorative object like a sculpture, or a utility object like a car. As in the real world, these NFTs may have restrictions on where they can be placed in Upland.

Dual-Phase Assets
These NFTs start out as portable objects which can be tradable. However, once a dual-phase asset is attached to a property, it becomes tethered and can no longer be traded on its own. Change of ownership then becomes possible only with a change of ownership of the property parcel it has been attached to. An example of this type of NFT is a tree, which can be traded until it’s planted on a property.

Assets for Homes and Businesses

These NFTs do not appear on the Upland map, but can be found inside homes and businesses in Upland.

Native Upland NFTs
These NFTs can be created and traded in Upland for use inside homes and businesses. When implemented, they will enable professionals such as artists to utilize Upland as one-stop-shop for turning their creations into NFTs and offer them for sale.

Upland Gateway NFTs
When NFTs are uploaded to Upland from other blockchains, they will be represented by Gateway NFTs. The representing NFT will be tradable. The owner of the representing token will be able to download and convert the original NFT back to the blockchain of origin (if they want to remove it from Upland). This true portability sets Upland uniquely apart from any other NFT platform

Speciality Assets

These NFTs are designed to have a special utility in Upland.

Block Explorers

Block Explorers that are not part of the standard batches (visitor, uplander, pro or founder batches) will be made into NFTs. These limited edition block explorers are also displayed under the ‘Exclusive’ batch on your profile. All forms of Block Explorer NFTs will be tradable via Block Explorer Shops in Upland.

Exclusive Upland Explorers
These explorers include the custom explorers that are created for achieving Director status, as well as custom explorers issued as event prizes and commemorative events. Each exclusive Upland Explorer NFT will also be backed with an official preview card giving further information and the back-story of the explorer. We call these unique back-stories “Block Stories”. This adds an additional layer of uniqueness and rarity to the custom and limited edition block explorers, and helps tell the story of Upland to future players.

User Generated Explorers
With the introduction of Block Explorer Shops in Upland, owners will be able to create unique explorers, pre-define their availability, and offer them for sale. These explorers are subject to an approval process.

Business Licenses

Business licenses will be tradable NFTs. They will have varying and limited availability in each locale in Upland. Business licenses will also be available for leasing to other Uplanders.

Adopting an EOSIO NFT Standard

Going forward, all tradable NFTs in upland will be implemented using the dGoods NFT standard. We chose a standard that will make these digital items easier to read on the blockchain, and will also simplify the process of making them tradable outside of Upland in the future.

Wow, that was a lot!
It’s our comprehensive approach to diverse NFT functionality that will allow Upland to have a truly dynamic and unique ownership experience.

With this strategy we are bringing the accessibility of NFTs to the next level and thus to the masses.
With full NFT integration, the future of Upland is without limits.

Bonus: Questions that came up in the community and their answers

  • If a building is built on a property, will it be possible to remove that building and place other structures on it, or is the first building permanent?
    The owner will be able to destroy (burn) the building, and start over.
  • When referring to “NFTs inside homes” are we talking about moving inside of the building to watch and place the NFTs in a 3D space or will it be more like a 2D Art gallery?
    We will start out with 2D interfaces and that may evolve later on to include optional 3D interfaces.
  • When you say “These NFTs can be created and traded in Upland”, does this mean we will be able to upload a picture, create an NFT directly in Upland, and then sell it?
    Yes! Truly a one stop shop for NFTs. Isn’t that exciting?
  • Will NFT creation only be available for “professionals such as artists” or will it be available for everyone?
    Everyone will be able to create NFTs, but the service may be delivered through specialized businesses.
  • Will Upland NFTs have unique mint numbers?
    User-generated mint numbers will be an option.
  • Once a Dual-phase Asset is placed on a property, will there be a way to remove it from that property?
    Similar to buildings, these assets can be destroyed (burned) by the owner.




The earth’s metaverse powered by blockchain technology. Upland.me 🏠🌎