Collection Reveal Process



This is one for the hardcore blockchain nerds out there!

With the first 4 NYC collections now released, it is finally time to show how the collection reveal process works, and how you can validate the legitimacy of the collections for yourself.

Many players were already aware of the collection reveal mechanic announced back in August, when we described it as such:

“Upland is all about building a fair economy and we try to be as transparent as possible. In order to do so, we’ve created a process called “the Collection Reveal” that ensures the number and type of new collections is predetermined, rather than influenced by market events, or favoritism coming into play. This is important because collections are a powerful tool in Upland’s economy, making them a big part of most players’ strategies. When we make a decision to add a collection, it affects the market price of everything it touches. When a property goes into a collection, it increases in value.”

What each ciphered collection includes

Each ciphered collection will include the following information:

  • Internal id of the collection
  • Name of the collection
  • Verbal description of the properties that can fit in the collection
  • The EOS transaction for the collection minting (containing proof of the date of the minting)
  • In case the collection is custom (i.e. properties cannot be identified by their association to a neighborhood or a street, for example) — a list of the full addresses of all matching properties will be added

Information for Previously Released Collections

Validating the collections

First, here are some prerequisites you will need in order to access the collection information on the blockchain. They may sound a little complex, but there are many guides available online that can help you get set up.

  1. You need to have your own EOS account with your own active keys (you can not use your Upland EOS account).
  2. You need to know the ID of the collections that are being revealed (every collection has a unique ID).
  3. You need to know the collections deciphering key (unique per collection).
  4. You need to have a wallet that supports EOS transaction signing (such as Scatter) installed and running.

Step 1:

  1. Go to Go to and search for the playuplandme eos account, using the search field
  2. Click on the revealcol action button

Step 2:

  1. In ‘Enter Data’ field populate the following input fields:
  2. User — your EOS id. (Not Upland’s)
  3. Id — collection id
  4. Key — deciphering key
  5. Lifetime — how long you wish the deciphered results to be available. Set the value in seconds.

2. After all the fields populated — press ‘Submit transaction’. After that, the Scatter interface (or your wallet) will appear. Press the ‘Sign’ button

3. After the transaction is signed you will be redirected back to the interface, where you will see a success message.

4. After that go to the ‘Tables’ tab under playupland me and select ‘revealedcol’ table.

  1. In the ‘Scope’ field enter your EOS id and press the refresh button.
  2. Done — now u can see the collection that was revealed

That’s it! You now know everything you need to know in order to validate that the collections were encrypted to the blockchain prior to the properties going for sale. With every new NYC collection reveal, we will also reveal the keys necessary to go through the above process.




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