Introducing Landmarks

Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2020


And A New Design Contest!

What gives a city it’s identity?
Across time, and in this case, across realities?
It’s the Landmarks. The iconic buildings and places that tell the story of a city, and bring to life what makes that city unique.

While Upland is a constantly evolving metaverse, our tie to the real world is one attribute that makes us very unique. This is why, in Upland, we give the call to action “Rebuild The world!”.
And that is why today we’re introducing an exciting new concept called “Landmarks”.

A Landmark is anything in Upland that, when built, must resemble it’s real world equivalent.

After Upland property development is released, you’ll be able to build the Landmark building itself. It will require an investment of resources similar to a regular structure of the same size.
Landmark structures can be used as residences or businesses, similar to other buildings in Upland, but they will always keep their unique original facade. When it comes to businesses, you’ll still be able to run any kind of you want on a Landmark. Of course, since a Landmark will be visually distinct, it will be far more likely to get interested visitors and customers. Each Landmark will also be tagged on the map.

Landmarks are currently locked in NYC and will be made available to purchase at a later stage. These properties will also be tagged with a special pin until they are built, and when each one is built, they will appear as white pins on the map (similar to city hall). Each major city will have roughly 25 Landmarks, but that will vary by how iconic that city is. For example, NYC will have more Landmarks than Atlanta.

San Francisco Landmarks

From NYC and on, our team will decide what properties will contain the landmarks in each city. SF is a special case since most landmarks are already owned by players, and this is why the Upland community will get to make the final call on which properties are designated as Landmarks in San Francisco
We will be publishing a list of 50 candidates for SF landmarks. Players will be able to vote for up to 10 Landmarks. The top 20 with the most votes will become the official replicas in SF.


In Upland we will also have unique properties that represent iconic real world locations, but can not support businesses. These properties are called Monuments, a specific type of Landmark that has a few other interesting attributes, which we will be revealing in the future. Monuments will represent their real world equivalent, and will be central not only to the character of each city, but also to the uniqueness of that city’s event capacity.

NYC Landmark Design Contest

Calling all artists, creatives, & designers!

Today, we’re also announcing a design competition to help kickstart the community’s imagination and ignite the creativity of Uplanders around the world! Who knows, maybe soon you’ll be able to contribute to Upland’s property design directly ; )

Here’s the criteria:
How should these Landmarks look in Upland?

The Rules

  • Pick 1 of 3 NYC Landmarks to design:
    1. Chrysler Building
    2. Guggenheim Museum
    3. UN Building
  • The best design (as determined by our team) gets 85,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge.
    2nd place gets 55,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge
    3rd place gets 35,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge
  • Your design must be original, using pre existing building assets will disqualify your entry.
  • Can be 3D or 2D, but bonus points for 3D.
  • Upland branding style is encouraged (the design should look good if it were in Upland), but feel free to get creative.
  • Throughout the week we’ll be sharing some examples of what properties will look like in Upland, for inspiration.
  • The deadline is September 21st at 3pm PT.
  • In order to submit your entry, tweet an image of your Landmark design @UplandMe with the hashtags #RebuildTheWorld #Upland #Metaverse




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