New Upland Store Mechanics

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2021

We’re very excited to announce that we will be adding some new mechanics to the Upland store that will enable us to perform multiple varieties of Limited Sales! Previously, due to the huge demand for desirable items stemming from Upland’s growth, most players competing to grab an item were left with a poor user experience as the item sold out immediately. From now on, players will be able to pre-register for Limited Sales and will be notified once it is their turn in the queue.

Terraformer and Genesis Shades Block Explorer Bundles

With the new store features in place, the latest Terraformer — ‘Stakor’, commemorating the introduction of the Spark Token to Upland, will be up for grabs. As a reminder, Terraformers come as a series in two modes — Head and Machine, each having a maximum of 5 mints. Stakor will be bundled with 1,000,000 UPX in a Limited Sale. Registration for both Head and Machine mode will be done in parallel, while the actual sales will start at different times, spanning multiple time zones.

Alongside the Terraformer sale, we will also offer the Genesis Shades Block Explorer, a high-mint (300 max) souvenir for Genesis Week 2021 which will be bundled with 10,000 UPX in a Limited Sale.

The goal is to have this feature launched tomorrow. Assuming all goes according to plan, we will then open up registration for the Terraformer and Genesis Shades Block Explorer. Further details will be provided as they become available.

Note: These Limited Sales will only be available in the web version of the app and will be restricted to Uplanders and above. This means Visitors are restricted from registering.




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