Oakland Announcement

Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2021


The metaverse continues to grow! As more and more players join Upland at an increasing rate, we must continue to expand. The next area being added to the Upland Metaverse is Oakland!
Oakland will function similar to Brooklyn. It is a mid tier city, thus roughly 50% of all properties in Oakland will be reserved for newer players through the Fair Start Act (FSA).

Facts about Oakland

  • It’s the birthplace of the word “hella.” A slang word is associated with the San Francisco Bay Area, and more specifically Oakland. For those not in the know, it loosely translates to “very.”
  • Oakland is one of the most diverse cities in the entire United States.
  • Oakland is the only city in the world to have a natural saltwater lake within its city limits. Lake Merritt was also the nation’s first formally declared wildlife refuge, in 1870.

The Oakland area (Alameda County) will include Piedmont at first, but over time we will expand the area to include other adjacent cities such as Berkley and Emeryville. This is similar to the way Fresno County was expanded to include Clovis.

Train Stations

In order to connect San Francisco to Oakland, we will need to open up a train line that connects the two cities. You will soon be able to take a train from the station in San Francisco to Oakland, the same way you would take a train to Fresno.

Oakland’s Lake Merrit Station will contain 10 separate terminals. In order to award these train terminals, we have set up 2 options.

The Challenges

We’ll be holding a drawing for 8 of the terminal parcels.
There are two ways to get an entry into these drawings.

1. Every player who mints a new (unowned) property (anywhere in Upland) within the next 23 hours will get an entry.

2. Every player who completes a referral, using their link, within the next 23 hours will get an entry. Remember, multi-accounting is not permitted in Upland.

Both options start at Today at 9am PT and run for 23 hours.

We will draw for 8 train terminal parcels, so every player will have 8 chances to win, but can only win 1 parcel. You must be an Uplander or above to qualify for an entry, and have had an account for at least 7 days. Note: there are no double entries, so you can not receive 2 entries by completing both tasks.

Qualifying will end tomorrow at 8am PT and we will draw the winners shortly after.

The last 2 train parcels will be given to the players that solve one of 2 clues that lead to 2 piñata treasures in San Francisco. We will announce these clues on our Discord.
Each clue will point to an address. The first player to send their explorer to the correct address and find the piñata will also win the first mint and second mint respectively.
Clue one will be announced on Wednesday at 8pm PT. This will be for the 2/10 mint train terminal. Clue two will be announced on Thursday at 9am PT. This will be for the 1/10 mint train terminal.

Even if you aren’t playing to win, we invite all players to help us stress test the system, and help ensure a smooth Oakland roll out.

This is an exciting opportunity to get into the exclusive train owner’s club and to get the added bonus of all those nice send fees you’ll collect as people ride the train between San Francisco and Oakland!

The Oakland Release

Thursday morning at 10pm PT we will open train stations for travel to and from Oakland. However, all properties will remain locked.

Friday morning, we will begin unlocking properties.

Wave 1: we will unlock 50% of properties that are less than 5000 UPX and 50% of properties that are greater than 5,000 UPX.

Wave 2: will be on Monday at 8pm PT. We will unlock 50% of properties that are less than 5000 UPX and 50% of properties that are greater than 5,000 UPX.

Brooklyn Opening

Aside from a few properties such as ultra rare collection and Landmark properties, we will also be unlocking the majority of remaining Brooklyn properties in 2 waves, in sync with the beginning of each Oakland wave.




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