Spark Reactor Scavenger Hunt

Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2021


Greetings Uplanders! Miles and the Upland engineering team have been hard at work to get the Spark Reactor online. The Spark Reactor will enable one of Upland’s most anticipated features, Property Development! This will allow Uplanders to build various types of buildings on their properties as NFTs, bringing us one step closer to our vision for the Metaverse. Unfortunately, a malfunction has caused a critical component to explode, scattering its parts across San Francisco and Fresno. In order to get the Spark Reactor up and running, Miles needs your help to recover the scattered pieces…

This means it’s time for another Scavenger Hunt!

The Hunts

Registered players will compete to solve a collection of clues that will lead them to various locations in Fresno and San Francisco. Players will earn various rewards depending on how quickly they complete the hunt. The first player to win in each respective scavenger hunt will take home the grand prize.

There will be 2 tiers to the hunt, happening at the same time.
Tier 1: A higher stake hunt in San Francisco, with a 20,000 UPX registration fee.
Tier 2: A lower stake hunt in Fresno with a 2,000 UPX registration fee.

100% of registration fees are paid back to players in the form of prizes. 50% of the prize pool will be awarded to the 1st place finisher in each hunt, while the remaining 50% will be distributed through treasures discovered along the way.

The hunts will start at April 30th 8:00 AM PST, but prior registration is required.

Note: Players are welcome to compete in both tiers of scavenger hunts, but the likelihood of winning both is incredibly slim.


  • The more players that register for each hunt, the higher the grand prizes will be. We will announce the final grand prizes for each tier after registration is closed. The last “tier 1” grand prize for a scavenger hunt was over 700,000 UPX!
  • In addition to the grand prizes, first place in each tier will receive 0.5 Spark. There will be smaller Spark prizes awarded for 2nd-10th place in completing the hunt in each tier (0.3, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, ect).
  • Every player who completes the hunt will receive treasures amounting to roughly 50% of their registration fees (each player will get one piñata, which adds volatility, where some will win more than others).
  • Every player who completes tier 1 will receive a Limited Edition NFT Wizard explorer representing the upcoming Structure NFT.
  • Every player who completes tier 2 will receive a less exclusive but still limited edition Spark-reactor-themed block explorer.
  • Both explorers will be converted to NFTs that will be tradable and sellable in the future.

Registration Info

  • Registration for both tiers will open on April 28th 2021 3:00 PM PST and closes on April 30th 2021 6:00 AM PST.
  • To register for the event, open the “Treasures” section in your menu (within the Upland app). The option to register will be available at the times listed above.
  • After the event begins, there will be 8 clues pointing to 8 different locations.
  • Every registered player will get an additional 25 sends, right before the event starts.

Winning The Hunt!

  • The hunts will start at April 30th 8:00 AM PST.
  • While the competition will be a race, all players will have 24 hours to complete the hunts.
  • To see your clues, go to “Treasure” in the quick menu and select the challenge you registered for.
  • You must visit the property your current clue points to, in order to move onto the next clue.
  • This process will repeat until you collect all 8 treasures at the locations the clues point to.
  • Once you collect the treasure from the 8th location, you have completed the hunt!
  • The first player to complete all 8 clues will win the grand prize. Players can monitor their progress against other participants via the “Challenge Board”. Access the Challenge Board by clicking the trophy icon.
  • All players can earn UPX by solving all the clues within the 24-hour window. After that, all the treasures will disappear.

Registration Fee Refund

All players who registered for the high stakes 2020 “Thanksgiving Hunt” will have the opportunity to participate in tier 1 of the Spark Reactor Hunt free of charge. If you are one of these players, pay the entry fee for now, and your funds will be reimbursed after registration has closed. This is due to technical issues that prevented all players from competing evenly during that event.

Spark + Property Development

As a reminder Spark is the mechanism through which property development (and much more) will be made possible in Upland. With the Spark Reactor complete, the upland team can then put the finishing touches on the property development feature and prepare the Upland metaverse for the next level of economic activity and true ownership.

To learn more about these exciting features, read these posts on property development and Spark.

Any Questions?

Let us know by jumping on the Upland Discord or sending us a message on Twitter!




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