The Genesis ‘Mega’ Hunt

Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2021

What is the Genesis ‘Mega’ Hunt?

On Thursday, June 10th, at 1:00 PM PT, we will be hosting a high-stakes scavenger hunt in which the winner will take home a Brooklyn Police Station Ultra-Rare collection property! The hunt will take place in Manhattan and will only have a single tier.

Event Details


To register, head over to the “treasures” tab in the UI, and select the “Genesis Mega Hunt” in the menu. Remember, you’ll need to select Manhattan via the icon in the bottom left to register

Genesis Hunt Rewards

As mentioned previously, the 1st place finisher in this hunt will walk away with a Brooklyn Police Station Ultra-Rare collection property! Beyond that are the normal rewards for scavenger hunts.

In addition to the UR property, there will be a Live Challenge for players that complete the hunt the fastest. In addition to the UR property, 1st place will take home 50% of the Prize Pool + 0.5 Spark. The remainder will be redistributed to other Genesis Hunt participants, and players who place in the top 10 on the leaderboard will win varying amounts of Spark as well.




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