The #UplandPublish0x Writing Contest: In Review

Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2021

From Feb. 12th to Feb. 25th last month, members of the Publish0x and Upland community were invited to participate in a writing contest about Upland. The topic was simple: write about anything related to Upland, from reviewing the game, writing a detailed guide, helping new players with some valuable tips, or anything in between and more. The contest was an excellent way to introduce the Publish0x community to Upland — so if you’re reading this and you joined Upland because of the writing contest: shout out to you and welcome to our community!

We’re pleased to say that we were inundated with some absolutely awesome posts from members of both communities. This article will shine a spotlight on a selection of our favourite submissions to celebrate the creativity and ingenuity of the talented writers who created them.

1. How I became an Uplander by creating my own NFT collection

In this article, GanjaFlay discusses how he created his own NFT collection called UPX Lemons to incentivise visits and reach Uplander status.

2. Postcards From Upland

After pondering the position of Upland’s metaverse as existing between the real and virtual world, Martin Babalor decided to create his own real-life Upland referral-by-postcard: “I decided to bring the referral system to real life and do the first referral by letter I’ve ever heard of, giving the property of digital plot to the owner of the plot in real life as a gift.”

“I decided to write a letter to the unknown owner of this beautiful house inviting him to join Upland with my referral code. If he’ll do so, I will give him his own land in Upland for free as a welcome gift. He will be the owner of the same plot both in digital and real world.”

3. Discover Upland — Virtual Properties: Why I Bought What I Bought

Upland’s very own UplandDood wrote this excellent article that details the reasoning behind his favourite unique property purchases.

4. Upland Treasure Hunting — Clue Interpretation (Intermediate Level)

A thorough guide with clear and detailed diagrams to help Upland’s treasure hunters up their game.

5. UplandLI — An Origin Story

Upland’s very own TDavis wrote this article that details his Upland journey and driving role in the rise of the Little Italy neighbourhood.

We hope you enjoyed reading those articles. If you submitted an article for the contest, @ reply it to us on Twitter.

Llama out!




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