Upland Black Friday Rewards

3 min readNov 26, 2020


Uplanders! Black Friday is almost upon us. The biggest weekend of digital sales in the entire world, and of the whole year.

Of course, as a growing economy, Upland has more than a few fun ways to turn this buying-focused holiday into a fun and engaging weekend of events.

First off, starting at the stroke of midnight we will be launching 3 challenges, measuring:

  • UPX earned from property sales
  • UPX spent in marketplace (players buying from players)
  • UPX spent on new minting

Each of these challenges will last for 4 days. Each challenge will have two tiers: One for Executives and Directors and one for Visitors, Uplanders, and Pros. This means there will be a total of 6 challenges running simultaneously. Each challenge will start off with prizes for the top 10 places. The starting rewards for each challenge will be based on distributing 1,000,000 UPX across all 6 challenges.
BUT those rewards will quickly increase based on…

The Black Friday Rewards Progress Bar!

  • The progress bar will measure UPX used to purchase newly minted property and UPX used to buy property from the marketplace, in all of Upland.
  • It will run for the same 4 day duration as the above challenges.
  • It will measure against the goal of 100,000,000 UPX (50,000,000 in UPX transactions would get us to 50% of the progress bar). The goal number is based on a multiplier to Upland’s 4 day average of Upland’s economic activity in November.

So, what happens when the progress bar increases?

At each progress bar benchmark (50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%), we will add more winning spots for each tier (ex. Adding prizes for places 11–25 when it reaches 50%).
At 50% progress, we will also increase the reward percentage from 1% to 5% of the 100,000,000 UPX goal and we will continue to increase the percentage at each benchmark. That percentage will be distributed across all prize winners, in all 6 challenges (ex. prizes for places 1–3 in tier 1 challenges will go up to ‘230,000’, ‘ 200,000’ and ‘150,000’ UPX respectively). The percentage increase at each individual benchmark will be announced as the bar progresses (and not disclosed in advanced).

This method of prize distribution is a way for Upland to have Black Friday rewards on property purchases, without lowering the earnings of the property (as earning is based on initial minting price).

In other words, the more the progress bar goes up, the more players will win, and the bigger the prizes will be!

When the bar reaches 100% we will announce the unlocking of several locked collections. Which ones do you think they will be?

A single transaction will only be counted once. Ex. if player A sells a property to player B, and then player B sells it back to player A, only the first transaction will be counted. The leaderboard prizes will update once a day to reflect the progress bar (progress will not immediately trigger a live update to the prize amounts).

Incentivizing Player Sales

You may have noticed something interesting about the progress bar incentive mechanism: The more property players sell, the more they can win from the challenge. You can think of it as Upland subsidizing the sales from the players. Both the buyer AND the seller are being rewarded! This means that players can have their own black Friday sales!
So get out there and hustle! Sell as much property as you can, and you could end up winning big.

Friday Festivities

You can expect a few extra surprises on Black Friday itself, beginning with treasure hunts. Starting at midnight tonight, standard treasure hunt spawns will cost 50% less UPX, which will last for 24 hours! The rest of the Friday activities will be announced the day of, so stay tuned because you don’t want to miss out on any surprise sales of competitions!

Happy Thanksgiving to all Uplanders!
We hope you’re ready for an intense weekend of economic activity in Upland!

-The Upland Team




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