Upland Fireworks Extravaganza 🎆🎉

Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2020

It’s 4th of July Weekend! But this year, due to global circumstances, we’ll have to learn to enjoy it in new ways. At Upland, we may be able to help you with that.

How would you like to host an official Upland Independence Day Party… at one of your properties in Upland (and enjoy all of the visit fees)?

That will be the grand prize in our Upland Fireworks Extravaganza event, taking place between 07:00 AM — 01:00 PM Pacific Time on Saturday, July 4th. For this event we will be bringing you treasures, aerobatics, showplanes, airshows and of course — plenty of fireworks!

Let’s have a look at the plan and itinerary.

How it works

The goal of this 4th of July live event is to accumulate as many points as possible. You get a certain number of points for collecting each of the following special event treasures. We have randomly selected unminted properties on which to spawn these treasures (though it’s possible that a few of these properties may be purchased by the time the event begins).

Naturally, each treasure also gives you a varying amount of UPX and the top 5 places will also get an additional 50K UPX, 15K UPX, 10K UPX, 5K UPX and 2.5K UPX, respectively.

Single Fireworks

To get you warmed up, we will be dropping four waves of Single Fireworks at 07:00 AM, 08:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM Pacific Time. There will be approximately 35–45 fireworks in each drop. Your explorer will discover them randomly on unminted properties and you can collect them as you would a normal treasure.

Aerobatics Show

Next up, we have a little skyshow for you!

San Francisco will host showplanes in Upland that will perform flyovers during the hours of 07:00 AM, 09:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM Pacific Time. Each flyover has a different formation:

Here’s the kicker — the formations will hint as to where you can find a Fireworks Box. Both the Showplanes and the Fireworks Boxes are invisible until discovered, so work with your fellow community members to share info/intel and figure out where the formation is. A Fireworks Box will spawn 15 minutes after the beginning of each flyover at the general location of the red dot (in relation to the formation).

Hosting the Upland Independence Day Party

After the event is over at 01:00 PM Pacific, we will contact the first place winner via email and/or social media. Please try to be available. You will then have the privilege of selecting on which of your properties this year’s official party will take place. If we do not manage to get in touch, we will select one of your properties for you.

That address will be made public, at which point we will invite all Uplanders to send their explorers there at 02:00 PM Pacific. Doing so will let you enter the winner’s property for the first time ever, a feature we are developing as part of the Upland Property Development Roadmap, where you will be able to watch a really cool fireworks show we put together just for you, together with the rest of the community.

Happy 4th of July!

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