Upland: What’s Coming Up in 2019?

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3 min readJul 24, 2019

It’s been an incredibly busy year for the Upland team, and we’ve made excellent progress with the development of our upcoming property trading game. In the first six months of 2019, we launched Upland’s alpha version, beta version, went live on the EOS mainnet and even invited our first beta testers to traverse the streets of Upland’s inaugural city, San Francisco.

We’ve had great feedback so far and we’ve got lots more coming up in the next few months which will be sure to excite the llama-curious among us. Here’s a quick preview of some of the features you can look forward to later this year.


Upland’s in-game currency UPX will launch in the second half of 2019, offering players a peer-to-peer trustless method of exchange. UPX is implemented as a utility token derived from the EOSIO token system contract and will be available to purchase from the Upland store. Players can use UPX to buy properties and trade with other players. You can also collect earnings from your properties in the form of UPX.

I’ve gotta pocket, gotta pocket full o’ UPX…


The Upland Collections will be an integral part of the game, and group together a limited number of properties in the same area or with similar characteristics. This could be anything from owning three addresses on the same street, e.g the Mission Street Collection, or collecting multiple museums from across the city to complete the Culture Collection.

Each Collection will require a fixed number of properties to complete it and to receive that all-important UPX earnings boost. As an added bonus, players will also receive a one-time bonus reward for completing any Collection.


Upland’s Marketplace feature allows players to trade digital assets between each other. Need a particular property to finish that Collection? With the Marketplace, you can directly make an offer on another player’s property. Want to resell an address in your portfolio? Simply name your price and put it on the open market! Players can also accept properties as payment with this feature and swap properties directly with other Uplanders.


The real world can be a lonely place at times, but in Upland you’ll always have a friend/sidekick/Pixel Duck. Avatars will be launching in 2019, and will be the key to unlocking all the fun and frolics Upland has to offer.

With Avatars, you can select a game piece which will take you on a journey through the city, at random, and will allow you to purchase any available properties it comes across for a limited time.

You can also send your Avatar to any of your properties in the game, or magnetize it to your current physical location to maximize on your purchasing choices. There will be a variety of Avatars to choose from, and some special limited edition versions too.

These are just a few of the features we’ll be launching this year, with our main game launch planned for the start of 2020. We’re also looking further into next year, when Upland will have more advanced options, including the ability to build structures on your addresses. So strap yourselves in, and prepare for a wild ride! The Ownership Revolution is coming…

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