Welcome to Genesis Week 2021!

Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Genesis Week 2021 is Coming!

Genesis Week is finally almost here! Starting June 7th, at 9:00 AM PT we’ll kick off an entire week of events where players can complete various activities for UPX, Spark, Ultra-Rare properties, and more!

On June 6th, 2019, the first property ever was minted in Upland at 1829 Jefferson St in San Francisco. Thus, the Upland Metaverse was born, and the team’s vision became reality. In that time, the metaverse has expanded rapidly, and each year we will reflect on this time to celebrate the growth and progress of Upland. As such, we’re going all out to celebrate Upland’s birthday with our incredible community. Participation in all events will grant players the opportunity to win a massive Spark prize at the end of the week. The more you play, the more chances you have.

Genesis Week Kickoff Show

On Monday, June 7th, at 9:00 AM PT, the Genesis Week Kickoff show will begin! For the first time, we will be celebrating the opening of Genesis Week together with our community LIVE on YouTube.

Featuring founders Idan Zuckerman and Dirk Lueth, the team will reflect on all the progress made over the last year in addition to providing a few sneak peeks of the future. There will also be UPX giveaways throughout the stream, so be sure to stop by for an opportunity to win!

Genesis Week Giveaways and Competitions

All week long, there will be tons of prizes for community members and players to win. This includes UPX, Spark, and even some Ultra-Rare collection properties! Players will be able to qualify by participating in the different Genesis Week activities. We’ll release specific details on how to qualify for each giveaway in the coming days.

The Genesis Hunt

The Genesis Hunt will open up following the kickoff show and will be available starting 10:00 AM PT on Monday. Registration begins tomorrow and will stay open until a few hours prior to the start. Click here for more details.

Schedule of Events:

Monday, June 7th

  • 9:00 AM PT | Genesis Week Kickoff Show
  • 10:00 AM PT | Genesis Hunt Begins
  • 1:00 PM PT | Pinata Drops in Oakland

Tuesday, June 8th

  • 1:00 PM PT | The Upland Action News Podcast feat. Cheli Kroupp & Cathy Hackl
  • 5:00 PM PT | Pinata Drops in Staten Island

Wednesday, June 9th

  • 9:00 AM PT | AMA: “Coffee with the Founders”
  • 3:00 PM PT | Pinata Drops in San Francisco
  • 5:00 PM PT | Community Flash Challenge

Thursday, June 10th

  • 9:00 AM PT | Discord “Technical AMA”
  • 11:00 AM PT | Special Community Event in Discord
  • 1:00 PM PT | Genesis “Mega” Hunt
  • 5:00 PM PT | Community Flash challenge
  • 6:00 PM PT | The UPX Podcast feat. Dirk Lueth & Idan Zuckerman
  • 8:00 PM PT | Pinata Drops in Bakersfield

Friday, June 11th

  • 10:00 AM PT | Pinata Drops in Manhattan
  • 12:00 PM PT | The Guggenheim Museum Landmark Auction
  • 12:00 PM PT | Staten Island Battery Weed Landmark Auction
  • 4:00 PM PT | Genesis Week Closing Ceremony
  • 6:00 PM PT | Genesis Week Bonanza

All this and much more! Each day will be filled with surprises, NFT drops, and giveaways, so make sure to stay dialed into Discord for the most frequent updates!

Happy Birthday, Upland, it’s time to party!




The earth’s metaverse powered by blockchain technology. Upland.me 🏠🌎