Brand Book | UpMetrics

Voice, style, and visual guidelines for the UpMetrics brand

5 min readSep 7, 2018


The UpMetrics brand extends beyond the solutions we provide and the technology we build. We provide the common ground where real, data-driven conversations about community impact happen.


UpMetrics empowers impact organizations to be data driven. We provide tools and services for programs and funders to analyze, interpret, and learn from data to make informed decisions, build capacity, and tell their stories.UpMetrics exists to elevate people doing positive work in their communities.

Our goal is to support those who are doing good for their communities, whether it be through access to interest-based activities, health and wellness programs, or mentoring.


Our audience ranges from classroom teachers, to program managers, to executive directors and funders. The work we do speaks to each demographic because we are building a data-sharing ecosystem that links stakeholders together.

Attendance and engagement data are more than numbers.

Partner Approach

UpMetrics is about community first. We partner with people and organizations to help them accomplish their goals.

Telling Our Story

We’re honest, inclusive, and committed to the work we do because we care about our partners. We celebrate their success — that’s what motivates us.

Voice and Tone

Our focus on the work our partners are doing in the community puts the spotlight on them first — we exist to lift them up. That means we’re:

  • Earnest, but not sentimental
  • Honest, careful, and respectful about what we share
  • Energetic, but not cheesy
  • Expert, but not condescending
  • Inclusive
  • Curious
  • Informal, but professional

Beyond Data

Data is key to our work. But what makes us unique is our ability to work with our clients at every level to help them collect, analyze, and interpret their data to drive decision making, inform program design, and tell their stories.


The UpMetrics and UpActive logos

UpMetrics Logo and Word Mark



The logo and word mark should always be used together (as in the logo examples above), with the following exceptions.

  • As a complementary element in a report, the chop mark ‘Data For Good’ makes use of the UpMetrics logo:
  • And in the following chop marks used in social media posts as branding elements, using our brand’s complementary colors:

UpActive Logo and Word Mark

Main Logo


Don’t change the orientation of the logos. Don’t stretch any of the logos, horizontally or vertically:

Brand Name: UpMetrics

UpMetrics (all one word, with the ‘U’ and ‘M’ capitalized)


  • Upmetrics
  • Up Metrics
  • UPMetrics

Brand Name: UpActive

UpActive (‘U’ and ‘A’ are capitalized, all one word)


  • Upactive
  • Up Active
  • UPActive

Brand Colors: UpMetrics

Brand Colors: UpActive


The font that we use for all marketing and client facing materials for clients — both the UpMetrics and UpActive brands — is Lato.

You can download Lato here:

Note: When adding text to a deck in Google Slides, Sheets, or Docs, it is important to remember to select Lato from the dropdown menu (the default text for all Google products is Arial).


Photo attributes:

  • Warm
  • Positive
  • Community focused
  • Creative
  • Relatable

The UpMetrics brand permeates everything we do.

If you have questions, or would like a PDF version of the UpMetrics Brand Book, please visit




Empowering Youth and Community Organizations through Actionable Insights. Twitter: @upmetricsapp #dataforgood