Update: ORIS Pre-Bookings

Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2021

Hi there,

The holiday season is in, with a fresh new vibe in the air. We hope you are doing well and in high spirits. Thank you for your tremendous enthusiasm and response to Oris, which motivates us to do more. As we grow the token and move forward into subsequent phases, we have some updates to share.

Buy ORIS using the Wallet.

On popular demand, we have decided to allow ORIS tokens to be pre-booked using commissions available in your wallet. The changes have been implemented, and you can now purchase Oris tokens using wallet as the payment method, other than the already available choices of USDT.ERC20 and USDT.TRC20 crypto options. The minimum purchase amount for cryptocurrency and wallet payments are USD 100 and USD 300, respectively.

Staking Reward.

A monthly staking reward, which for an 18-month lock-in is at 3%, will be credited every month based on the USD investment for the duration of the lock-in period of your Oris tokens.

We hope that the above changes will excite you, motivate you and do more for yourself and your team. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to growing with you as one in the coming years. We are excited about meeting you in our upcoming Celebratory and Business events that will jumpstart the new year with a bang.

Lastly, we would like to assure our supporters and well-wishers that we are working diligently for you at the back-end to ensure tremendous success and improvisations in the days to come.

Wishing you a fantastic new year ahead!

The Upnomix Team

