Customize your Notebook Covers

It’s easy and convenient to organize your notes into notebooks in UpNote. Recently we introduced a whole set of covers for your notebooks to make the experience of using notebooks even more pleasant. Now you can apply the covers of your choice to any of your notebook to make it standout and more recognizable when looking for your notebooks.

To set your notebook cover, simply select a cover when creating your notebook. If you want to add your own cover, you may click on the plus “+” icon and browse the cover photo from your computer.

On iOS, tap “Add” and select your image from the photo library to add a custom notebook cover.

Happy taking notes!

UpNote is a light and clean note-taking app which helps you stay organized and get focused on the right things. Install UpNote on Mac, iPhone, iPad andWindows.



UpNote: Elegant Cross-platform Note-taking App

Take notes quickly and organise them easily on all devices. Download UpNote here For full UpNote user guide: