Export Your Notes

UpNote: Elegant Cross-platform Note-taking App
2 min readMay 17, 2021

Whenever you want to do a backup or share your notes in a certain format, you can easily export your notes from UpNote.

On Mac and Windows

To export a note, click on the ... icon at the top bar of your note editor, then select Export . You may also use the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + E to export your currently selected note.

You will then see various exporting options: to Text, HTML, PDF or Markdown.

Export all/multiple notes at once

If you want to export all your notes at once, first select a note in your note list and use the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + A to select all notes in the list. You will then see the option to export notes in the right panel.

If you want to export multiple notes, hold the Cmd/Ctrl key while selecting the notes you want to export. Or hold the Shift + Cmd/Ctrl keys to select consecutive notes.

When exporting multiple notes, you can choose to export them as a single or separate documents.

On iOS and Android

To export a note on iOS or Android app, first open a note and then tap on the ... button at the top right corner of the note editor. You will see the Export option in the dropdown menu.

UpNote is an elegant note-taking app which is easy and pleasant to use on all platforms. Download UpNote on Mac, iPhone, iPad, Windows, and Android.



UpNote: Elegant Cross-platform Note-taking App

Take notes quickly and organise them easily on all devices. Download UpNote here https://getupnote.com. For full UpNote user guide: https://help.getupnote.com/