How to Use Markdown with UpNote

UpNote: Elegant Cross-platform Note-taking App
3 min readNov 26, 2020

Markdown has become popular nowadays, especially among developers. It helps you format the note easily without having to write bloated HTML code. Inspired by Markdown, UpNote supports a lot of shortcuts that helps you format the note quickly. If you already know Markdown syntax, you will feel at home.


To create a heading, add number signs # in front of a word or phrase, followed by a space. The number of number signs you use should correspond to the heading level.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Bold and Italic

To bold text, add two asterisks ** or underscores __ before and after a word or phrase.

**bold text**
__bold text__

To italicize text, add one asterisk * or underscore _ before and after a word or phrase.

*italicized text*
_italicized text_


To create a blockquote, add a > in front of a paragraph, followed by a space.

> This is a blockquote

You will see the output as below:


To create an ordered list, add line items with numbers followed by periods.

1. Item one
2. Item two
3. Item three

To create an unordered list, add dashes -, asterisk *, or plus sign + in front of line items. Indent one or more items to create a nested list.

- Item one
- Item two
- Item three


To create a code block, use 3 backticks ``` .

To denote a word or phrase as code, enclose it in backticks `.


Horizontal Rule

To create a horizontal rule, use three asterisks ***, dashes ---, or underscores ___ on a line by themselves and hit Enter.


To add a toto item, use [] followed by a space.

To add a done item, use [x] followed by a space.

[] todo item
[x] done item

Copy as Markdown

To copy content from UpNote as markdown, right click and select Copy as Markdown

You may also use the shortcut Cmd + Option + C (on Mac) and Ctrl + Alt + C (on Windows)

Paste with Markdown

If you want to paste Markdown source, right click on your editor and select Paste from Markdown. Your content will be automatically converted to proper format.

Export to Markdown

You can also export your notes to Markdown format. Select one or multiple notes, then select Export or hit Cmd E to export your notes.

Import from Markdown

Finally, you can import your markdown notes to UpNote.

On Mac, please select File > Import from the menu bar.

On Windows, please go to Settings > General and select option to import from Evernote or Markdown.

We hope these Markdown support will be useful for you. If you have any feedback, feel free to let us know at

UpNote is a clean and powerful note-taking app which helps you stay organized and get focused on the right things. Download UpNote on Mac, iPhone, iPad and Windows.



UpNote: Elegant Cross-platform Note-taking App

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