Leading the Way to a Better UX for Decentralized Identity

Garrett Allen
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2019

As the leader in decentralized identity and trust management, uPort is incredibly excited to announce a major milestone in self-sovereign identity, making user-controlled identity a reality for mobile App users. Our 1.6 App release delivers all the tools developers need to build their own SSI solutions, while providing the best-in-class UX for users who care about privacy, security, and control over their data.

From Groundbreaking Architecture to Best-in-Class UX

Now that our groundbreaking platform architecture has been tested and validated in the market, uPort is focused on trailblazing a best-in-class, frictionless user experience.

The uPort UX team has done the deep research and design work to ensure that our 1.6 app is not only easy to use, but that users are even delighted by the experience. We’ve designed the app so users can easily understand how to navigate — from the initial download and onboarding, to receiving verifiable credentials and accessing 3rd party services.

This updated UX is part of our revamped iOS and Android apps that ensures the app is incredibly intuitive and easy to use. In addition to seamless navigation, all the benefits of user owned and managed credentials are clearly described and conceptually connected to the UX actions, so users always know where they are in the app and how it relates to what action they’re trying to complete.

As we continue to build on this advanced UX, we’ll be keeping our focus on how users want to exchange their credentials and data, whether for commercial and personal relationships.

Making Onboarding Meaningful

Onboarding is the most important aspect for new users: making users comfortable and confident by setting context, explaining how the app will be used, and reinforcing the benefits. Our new app experience focuses on demonstrating three core benefits during onboarding and daily app use: user control over privacy, security, and trusted access to new services.

What you need, when you need it

We understand the importance of easier, intuitive access to the actions that matter most. By redesigning the navigation of the app, we’ve put the most used functionality at your fingertips: verified credentials, profile, contacts, notifications, and settings. By elevating these actions, we’ve designed the app around the cadence of daily life.

Download uPort!

Whether you’re new to uPort or a long-time fan, we hope that you’ll give this major update a try.

Download uPort for iOS and Android here!

