Generating a “Release Log” Quickly: From Git Commits to a Markdown table

Gemma Black
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2019

The simplest way is just to have a nicely formatted git log. No “feature, fix, breaking” descriptions, just the Git Log in a markdown friendly format.


  • Node v8+
  • NPM v5+
  • Unix terminal
  • A Git repository


npm install -g markdown-table-cli

Here’s an example of what the markdown table looks like in Wiki.js:

And that’s all there is to it.

Release notes are so important for your end users and even your non-engineering team. They help determine what was addressed in the last release. And that means transparency.

Helpful Resources

Pretty print formats:

Git commits to JSON:



Gemma Black
Editor for

Chocolate-, brownie-, coding-, peace-loving, city girl who loves both nature and tech.