Fall Training 2016

Josh Bory
Upper Park CrossFit
3 min readOct 3, 2016

Welcome to the first of many blog write ups for Upper Park CF! Primarily, the purpose of these blogs/articles are to offer insight to what is upcoming in training, movement breakdowns, nutrition tips, recovery/mobility protocols, and so on. By no means are we professional bloggers, but we will do our best! Anyway, let’s get to the real reason for this write up and that is the next wave of movements, and conditioning that you will all see over the next few weeks.

In the past 6 weeks, you might have noticed a consistent schedule of basic strength movements including the back squat, deadlift, and press, as well as technical breakdowns of the Olympic lifts. Additionally, you may have grown fond (or sick) of the strong emphasis on basic conditioning from intense interval work on the rower, to those lovely long runs. We as coaches, however, have to make sure no metabolic pathway is being neglected. These are not fan favorites, but are much needed when it comes to taking a step back and really putting in the effort to improve running or rowing, and applying those systems into a metabolic conditioning piece (WOD). Thank you for all of your patience and hard work, it is appreciated. Now it’s time to put everything we’ve been working on, and take the next step.

First off, be prepared for plenty of front rack work, including front squats with tempo work, push press, and jerks. For those of you hungry for some front squats, this next phase is for you, and overhead work will be focused on push press (strength) and split jerk (technique). All this front rack work will be very demanding on the mid-line so as coaches we will continue to be broken records and ask you all to keep the front rack and core on lockdown — no matter what! In addition, the Olympic lifts will now primarily be from the floor with some hang work sprinkled in, and mainly focusing on the power position. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can expect all the conditioning work on that has been on Thursdays from the past six weeks to be put to the test. We will build upon that by adding in some basic and some advanced body weight gymnastics movements (i.e. pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, toes to bar, muscle ups, ect). Yes, breathing is a bit of a no brainer, but keeping your breathe under control while under muscular fatigue can be a simple game changer. We’ve all been there when our breathing hits panic mode, and it is awful.

In these weeks to come, you will experience some new, fun stuff to work on and test out! During warm ups, remember to put emphasis on movement patterns and make sure that you get the blood flowing, muscles firing properly, and the joints ready to rock ‘n roll. Putting in a little more time to get the body ready during the warm ups will be even more crucial as the weather starts to cool down. We still will be continuing our mobility/cool down sessions at the end of class as well to help you relax and loosen up before taking off. Try not to skip out on mobility if you have the time; even if you can only stay for a couple minutes, stretching and mobilizing is how your muscles stay loose and healthy, and help you maintain proper range of motion.

That’s all we have for this write up everyone! Hopefully this helps you understand a little more of what’s to come in class and why. Yes, this is a semi-basic overview but we are happy to expand and elaborate before, during, or after classes. Please keep in mind that as coaches we want you to reach your goals, be healthy, be happy, and kick-ass inside and outside the gym. Feel free to approach us and ask any questions along this journey that we are all on. Cheers to all and happy training!

