Making her bravery known

Samantha Bambino
Hampton Times
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2018

Northampton’s Air Force 1st Lt. Kelsey Glover honored at board of supervisors meeting after safe return from overseas deployment

By Samantha Bambino

The Times

A warm welcome home: During the Nov. 14 Northampton Township board of supervisors meeting, local residents Kay and Kevin Glover were present on behalf of their daughter, Air Force 1st Lt. Kelsey Glover, who recently returned safely from her second deployment overseas. Source: Pete Palestina

During the Northampton Township board of supervisors meeting on Oct. 24, former supervisor Pete Palestina announced some exciting news. That morning, he received a call from local resident Kay Glover, mother of Air Force 1st Lt. Kelsey Glover, informing him that her daughter had returned safely from her second deployment to Afghanistan and Al Udeid in Qatar.

Kelsey was deployed on Feb. 13 and landed at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, on Oct. 24, where she will remain for approximately three months until her next deployment overseas. Naturally, Kelsey’s community wanted to honor her for her service, but she unfortunately only visited Bucks County for the Thanksgiving holiday.

In lieu of their daughter’s presence, Kay, along with Kelsey’s father Kevin Glover, attended the Nov. 14 board of supervisors meeting, where her bravery was recognized during a welcome home and flag exchange ceremony as part of the Northampton Patriots Flag Program.

On Feb. 28, Kay and Kevin placed an Air Force flag bearing Kelsey’s name and branch of service on a large display inside the Richboro-based Administration Building. Here, it patiently waited until its rightful owner returned. During the Nov. 14 meeting, supervisor Eileen Silver had the pleasure of gifting Kelsey’s parents with the Air Force flag, which was replaced in the display with a personalized American one, symbolizing her safe return home.

“We really appreciate this. This is very, very nice,” Kevin said. “Kelsey’s going to cycle in and out, three months in, three months out for about nine more years, 10 more years. So this is going to be a long haul. But she likes what she’s doing. She loves to fly.”

Special presentations were conducted on behalf of elected officials who were unable to attend. First to take the floor was supervisor Frank O’Donnell, who, on behalf of Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, handed Kay and Kevin a flag that was flown over the Capitol and a citation.

“This is a special honor for me to do this. I’m a retired Army officer, and recognizing another service member is a real joy to be able to do. I understand fully what you folks feel every time she goes away. The family left behind, the family at home. You never know what’s going on,” O’Donnell said. “So I think that these ceremonies serve two purposes. One, to recognize somebody who has gone overseas and into harm’s way. The other is that by doing this, we remind people that there are people going over every day into harm’s way.”

Supervisor Kim Rose then presented a letter and certificate of appreciation on behalf of State Rep. Helen Tai.

“She is so grateful for your daughter’s service,” Rose said. “She wanted me to tell you how proud she is of her and she’s so glad that she made it home safely.”

For those in attendance who were unfamiliar, Palestina then shared some history on the Northampton Patriots Flag Program, which began 15 years ago on April 23, 2003, when he was a supervisor.

According to Palestina, the program was created by the board to honor local residents serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Back then, they knew of 24 such residents. Today, after expanding it to include Afghanistan and other hostile areas, 87 are known. Currently, 88 flags stand proudly in the display, with one resident’s name emblazoned on two since he was deployed twice — once while in the Army, once while in the Navy.

“As has been demonstrated so often, those that serve our country in the military are at risk whether they’re on U.S. soil or foreign soil,” Palestina said. “Their lives are put on the line each and every day. Northampton and our country are proud of what our military are doing for the freedoms we enjoy here at home.”

The meeting concluded with Palestina wishing Kay and Kevin a happy Thanksgiving with their daughter before she returns to MacDill once again. ••

Samantha Bambino can be reached at

