Facebook Advertising Best Practices 2018 — The Uppercase Academy Series

Casey Brown
Uppercase Brands
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018

You’ve heard SO much about Facebook advertising over the past year. You’ve probably heard about that business that magically generates leads for $1, or you know someone who got their videos viewed by thousands at fractions of a penny. Heck, you’ve definitely heard about how Facebook advertising seems to have skewed the 2016 US presidential election. Bottom line: you’re recognizing the power of social advertising.

But how do you unlock that power? It’s easy to hit the “promote” button on a post and spend $10 to boost it, but that rarely does anything. When you look at Facebook’s Business Manager, you’re overwhelmed with data and it’s near impossible to tell how your campaigns are doing at a glance.

That’s why we made this series. Think of it as “Facebook Advertising 101” or “Facebook Advertising for Dummies.” Throughout this series, we’ll touch on best practices from all different aspects of Facebook advertising, from how to a/b test a campaign to how to set up the perfect lead generation ad.

Our goal for this series is to help you feel more confident in your ability to produce great campaigns through social marketing platforms. You’ll definitely get there, even if you hate dealing with numbers! Stick with us each week, and we’ll slowly break down the walls.

We’ll publish a new blog post each week and a corresponding YouTube video to help with the explanation. If you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll get a digest of updates that make it super easy to find the next one.

I know you’ll probably have ideas for topics to learn about, so please let us know! We love your feedback — the good, the bad and the ugly. Leave us comments or shoot us an email and let us know what you’re thinking or if there are specific posts that would help you.

So with that, school starts this week! See you then.

