2020 — finally in the rearview mirror

Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2021


Written by Daniel Tveiten, CEO at uppercase

As we have transitioned into 2021 we have had a break and time to reflect on the year that went by. 2020 did certainly not turn out like we had planned back in 2019. But dark clouds and heaps of new challenges aside, 2020 turned out to be a relatively nice year after all. We think everyone has learned a lot and have gotten a new appreciation for what the social aspects of work and office life means to us all. And regardless of the forced home office, social distancing and periodic solitude, we managed to churn out some pretty awesome projects too.

I, for one, are really proud of our team and everything they did this year. Let’s have a look at some of it:

New people

At the start of the year we welcomed Jørgen, he settled in by fully restructuring our internal processes and giving us a good knock upwards on the serious scale. He could help you take the next step too!?

Thomas climbed aboard in August, set up his workstation, downloaded VScode and has not left his station since.

Tobias joined us in September and has been helping the design dept. staying afloat left right and center.

Welcome to all of you, again, it’s a pleasure having you!

By the way: We are looking for more awesome people to join our team this year, if you think you could be a good fit, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

New brand

It has been in the making for some time — but we were finally able to launch our new brand. As a digital design studio with a passion for technology we felt the need to properly brand our selves — we have grown and evolved a lot since the early days and it was time for an upgrade that properly reflects what our company is and who we are. We built a platform that gives room for everyone to explore, but still keep consistency and brand recognition across the board.

We are currently working on launching more of the brand system and updating the website — keep your eyes peeled.

The projects

Regardless of corona setting its teeth into our society and turning everything upside down, we managed to get a lot of work done. Here are some highlights:

CARGOVALUE — is Klaveness Digital’s first commercial product. With customers around the world already using the platform we are proud to know that the UI is one of the reasons for their customer acquisition success.

&REPEAT — Our friends across the Swedish border, &Repeat, came to us with a brand new concept — in the midst of the corona outbreak. We love guts and people with a vision and are excited to introduce “pant” on takeaway packaging for restaurants — &Repeat launched in Stockholm just before xmas — but strive to change the world and will soon be available in a store near you! If you are in the Stockholm area — help us help you — by joining the pante-revolution!

BRANDPAD — continues its amazing journey and are acquiring new and exciting clients every day. Last year we built Massimo Says together, a #AI text generator about design. Massimo got featured by It’s Nice That and The Brand Identity, and who knows what he will do next.

CROWDWORKS — Thankfully not everything stopped last year. A near record high number of young companies got listed on the Norwegian mini stock exchange and the startup scene is hot. CrowdWorks is just where it should be — right in the middle — and we helped them re-design their platform and take it to the next level.

LOVISENBERG DIAKONALE HOGSKOLE — Together with our friends at Larssen & Amarall we re-vamped the branding for Lovisenberg Diakonale Høgskole — bringing them into the next century with a modern and delicate colour palette, new website and brand materials.

KLAVENESS DIGITAL — We have been working with Klaveness Digital for a while but 2020 was the year they wanted to step up and let the world know who they are. We made them a new brand platform to get them ready to disrupt the industry.

I would like to thank our awesome clients and partners for the collaborations — and business — in the year that went by. And we love you for aiming high and not letting a dark horizon stop you from chasing your visions!

Other really important notes:

  • Finally got the beer tap installed in our kitchen — we are ready to get social again!
  • Our new tenants X.Y.0.1 also like foosball — do we smell a 2021 championship coming up?
  • Our office plants had a combined total of 2,6 meters of growth last year.
  • And last but not least — 3 new office dogs hung out with us from time to time.

We can’t wait to see what 2021 will bring, let’s buckle up and get going!

Let’s stay in touch: Instagram , Facebook , Linkedin, Website

