Coffee Break #005 — Linn Cathrine

Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2021


Over the counter: We took a coffee break and had a chat with the people behind the curtains at uppercase, who they are and why they are there. In this series the employees share their perspectives with you.

Meet Linn Cathrine, she likes her coffee black and fruity, preferably in the morning.

Q: How would you describe uppercase to someone new?

LC: This is a group of talented, fun, and happy people to be around. At uppercase you feel welcome from the first moment. Everyone is incredibly passionate about their work, which is inspiring for me to see and to be able to be part of. Due to the absence of a strict hierarchy, everybody’s voice is heard, which in turn makes better products for our customers.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your background, and how you got involved with uppercase?

LC: My background is a bit varied. From having been a department manager, store manager, graphic designer and digital producer. This background has given me a lot of experience which has been great to bring into my work as a project manager. I have always enjoyed working creatively, being part of a team, and seeing that something you create is put into practice.

I joined the uppercase family about two and a half years ago when they needed to bring in another project manager. uppercase appealed to me as a place where a lot of exciting projects and products were built. A place with young, creative, and dedicated people. This was something I really wanted to be part of.

Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job?

LC: As a project manager it always has to do with time, scope, and budget.

As I have gained some experience over the years, I have gotten knowledge on how you can start and proceed to get a good overview of the project. Good tools are also key here. Over the years we have tried different tools, but have landed on the ones which work best for us. I think there will always be an opportunity to improve the processes when it comes to planning a project, but you learn and get more experience every time.

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

LC: I feel there are several things that need to be mentioned. Being able to be part of a team, work in cross-functional teams, and create something together is very important to me. You learn so much from this. The fact that my everyday work is so varied is something I find very rewarding. Having the opportunity to lead a team from A to Z while working with exciting customers and projects is something I really appreciate.

Q: What’s important to keep the team happy and motivated?

LC: I think it is important to involve the whole team from the start so that everyone is able to feel ownership of the project. Being able to have an open communication with input and feedback from the entire team is paramount. Setting clear goals together with the team is key if you want your team to work well along the way. This will help everyone to know what is expected of them and what should be prioritised. When you create a good foundation for your team it will help them to stay focused, be committed, and to feel a sense of ownership of the project. Otherwise, it is important to contribute to creating a positive culture and working environment.

Q: Outside of work, what do you find important to spend your time on?

LC: As a mother of a two year old girl, and another one arriving in a few weeks, life is hectic and the days pass by so quickly. Therefore, it is important to stop for a moment and listen to what needs I have to be able to function well in everyday life. I spend a lot of time with my family. Hiking, dinner with good friends, and traveling gives me great joy. I also need to mention that long baths in the evening works wonders for the mind and body.

Q: What excites you the most looking forward?

LC: Well, I’m about to be a mom again very soon, so this naturally takes a lot of my attention. Otherwise, I look forward to returning to uppercase after my parental leave. We already have lots of exciting stuff on the table. I also hope we will have the opportunity to sit at the office again and hang out like we used to.

Q: Who should we talk to next?

LC: Due to the ongoing pandemic I haven’t had the opportunity to get to know our new Italian design intern Alessandro Biondo. I suggest you talk to him next, so everyone can get to know him a little better.

Thanks, Linn Cathrine!

We’ll be back next month with more insights into uppercase and how we work — in the meantime, dig into our previous posts here, and sign up to our newsletter here.

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