Web technology we love and recommend in 2021 — for developers.

Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2021


For a while, we have been thinking about how to give back to the tech community. We decided it was about time we shared knowledge we have learned through the years.

Here is a shortlist of some of the technologies we love and recommend using in 2021.

Say Hi, to Thomas and Espen!

Incremental Static Regeneration

This strategy allows us to create static pages that can be regenerated during runtime.

The outcome is:

  • Web pages that are blazing fast
  • SEO friendly
  • Always up to date with a headless CMS.

If you want to read more about it: https://www.netlify.com/blog/2021/03/08/incremental-static-regeneration-its-benefits-and-its-flaws/

Framework: NextJS

ReactJS framework made by Vercel in collaboration with Google and Facebook for building web pages/web apps.


Cloud platform: Vercel

Cloud platform for static sites and serverless functions. Vercel gives us instant deployments and automatic scaling, which makes us gain precious time.

Some of our favourite features:

  • Flexible Data Fetching (Connect your pages to any data source, headless CMS, or API and make it work in everyone’s dev environment.)
  • Edge on Localhost (From caching to Serverless Functions, all our cloud primitives work perfectly on localhost.)


Sanity (Headless CMS)

Combined with NextJS and Incremental Static Regeneration and live preview, we love to make fast and scalable web pages/web apps using Sanity.

Thanks to our collaboration last year, we also got to meet the team from the inside and we had a blast working together. We can’t recommend Sanity enough!


Our developer Marina that worked on the Sanity collaboration.

State management library: RecoilJS

RecoilJS is a state management library from Facebook. Although still experimental, we’ve battle-tested it in production without any issues. Go check it out!


Framework: Expo

Expo is a React Native framework that enables a smoother React Native Experience. A Must-have!


Library: SWR

This is one of our go-to libraries for fetching data, using a “stale-while-revalidate” strategy, and often combined with React Suspense/Error Boundaries for sweet loading states and error handling.


That’s Tommy — our Tech lead!

Our short and sweet year debrief is already over. But if you have other technologies in mind or if you think some are worth discussing, we would love to hear from you.

Comment below or send Tommy an email at tommys@uppercase.no

