A Source of Truth to guide your business

The Evidence Library is the knowledge base for all your learnings, finding and discoveries.

Damien Metcalf
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017


It was once said that “Knowledge is Power” but like Uncle Ben says “With great power comes great responsibility”, and he’s right!

Day by day we are absorbing information, key data and insights that can serve to power new innovations, ideas and opportunities, in fact this is central to why we run Experiments. But what do we tend to do with this knowledge? Keep it in some “I’ll never check that Spreadsheet.” or perhaps you’ve been used to putting in the “It’s not longer relevant” Trello Archive. This is missed potential. Potential to quickly validate an Experiment because you already have the answer, stored in Insights you got from previous Experiments. It’s the potential to identify new Experiments that could be run based on findings. But most important it’s the story of why your business exists and the decisions to get there. Think about R&D tax return’s and the time spent trying to get all the evidence together to support the work you have been doing. Or what about that Investor who wants to know how you’ve validated your business so far. Wouldn’t it be nice if this was all readily available along with the Experiments and supporting Outcomes?

Building a Source of Truth with the Evidence Library in Upperstory

UpperstoryApp — Evidence Library

You can access your Evidence Library through the Sidebar.

From the Evidence Library you can see every note that your Team has created, you can also add new Notes that are not connected to an Experiment but are potentially beneficial to your business and future Experiments.

Jumping to a Goal or Experiment

If a note is attached to an Experiment then you can easily jump to that experiment or even the parent Goal of the Experiment by clicking on the Goal and Experiment buttons.​

Note: It’s still early days for the Evidence Library and we have some very exciting features coming to help you unlock the potential of the evidence your gathering. In a mean time, if you have any thoughts or suggestions we’d love hear them just flick us a message via Intercom or email us.

Not using Upperstory yet for your experiments? Why not check it out.

