Why Upperstory?

The best innovators are successful because they:

Clare Hallam
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2017


  1. Draft deliberate experiments to test their assumptions
  2. Collaborate and engage everyone to share in the learning
  3. Engage with their customers
  4. Make decisions based on evidence
  5. Track learning velocity

As Innovation consultants ourselves, we were looking for a better way to empower others to experiment. Our workflow used static spreadsheets, task based tools, business canvas, and customer interview conversations, to name a few. Data quickly became out of date and harder to manage.

We needed one central place to create experiments and share our learning, that in turn would help us to make better decisions. We needed a library of evidence for all areas of our business.

We decided to develop a platform as a better solution than the manual processes we were using to manage experiments at scale.

So we’re now building Upperstory, we set our goals, craft our experiments, gather our evidence, all the while tracking the learning velocity of our team. In turn, we aim to help you to do the same.

Learning Velocity Snapshot - Weekly Summary from the Dashboard

Join us and let’s experiment together!



Clare Hallam

Systems-thinker | innovation | technology + entrepreneurship