3 key differences between UpRaise and Traditional tools

Anand Inamdar
UpRaise For Employee Success
3 min readMay 11, 2016

There are number of tools in the market that help companies in Employee recognition and Engagement. What is so different about UpRaise? What is the underlying philosophy behind UpRaise?

Here are a few important factors that differentiate UpRaise For Employee Success, a JIRA add-on from rest of the tools.


Employee engagement softwares are notoriously famous for lack of their ability to generate Adoption of the magnitude that will make their use justifiable. One of the vital contributing reasons towards the less adoption is that these traditional tools work in silos. Employees are expected to maintain separate credentials and work with a different application altogether that has nothing to do with the tools of their daily usage. Even if that application is sophisticated enough to offer an SSO integration, the application is still a different one.

Imagine that you are allowed to use sticky notes only in one specific room of your house. Does that sound like defeating the purpose of sticky notes? which is to ensure that you don’t forget stuff.

Same is the case with Employee recognition & engagement tools. They are supposed to interact with you as frequently as possible.

UpRaise For Employee Success is developed as a native add-on for JIRA. You won’t even realise that it is an ‘add-on’! If your teams are already extracting a lot of value from JIRA, UpRaise is certainly going to get quicker and higher adoption as compared to its peers in the industry.


Have you seen companies setting up their Annual Goals with loads of enthusiasm but as the time passed that spirit gave way to reality — and the Goals were looked at only when the time came for assessment. You guessed it right, this is the case with many teams who fail to leverage tools that can sustain their processes.

With UpRaise, employees end up looking at the Goals and Continuous Feedback as frequently as they use JIRA — without an otherwise choice. The process is sustain-ably propagated throughout the organisation. Set, Track, Achieve — it is this simple with UpRaise. Why go the Agile way only for Software Development? Your organisation’s human capital should increase productivity through Agile Appraisals in UpRaise.


Let us take a step back and think about what exactly do we use JIRA for? If your teams love the way JIRA lets you manage projects, chances are that majority of the tasks and discussions happen within JIRA. Which basically means JIRA is a treasure trove of information. And if we think about the Employee recognition and engagement tools there is no place better than JIRA to make it more meaningful given the richness of context it can provide — what tasks you have worked on, what discussions have taken place, what is the nature of tasks that you are working on and so on.

UpRaise plugin for JIRA leverages this strategic as well as tactical information from JIRA and gives companies a holistic view of their employee performance. Team members find it useful because then the discussion over quality of delivery can happen right in real time without needing to wait for annual reviews.

With Goals Management, Continuous Feedback and Performance Reviews — UpRaise For Employee Success is a complete platform built for teams using JIRA.

Any ideas what more features we can add to boost productivity of teams using JIRA? Write to us in the comments section.

Article originally published on UpRaise Blog

