Recognition, the most powerful performance enhancer at the workplace

Anand Inamdar
UpRaise For Employee Success
4 min readMay 11, 2016

It is no secret that recognising hard working employees can benefit a company in many ways. Once an employee feels valued, he will know that his work is contributing towards the success of the company. In these hard economic times, when many employees are fearful of cutbacks and pay reductions, a couple of words of encouragement can boost their productivity and morale.

Every business needs to stay away from “psychological recession” where stress, fear, anger and focus on uncertainty and rumours drive the employees’ energy and morale down. The theory of recognition has been around for 2,500 years, but nowadays, in the modern business world, people in managing positions do not implement it as often as they should.

Managers are always looking for the next big thing to motivate their team members and they often forget the small but highly effective one that is, recognition. This is something more than a dollar sign and a massive pay check; employee recognition is essential in keeping employees motivated, engaged and happy. Recognition is a major factor that motivates employees to aim higher and, by applauding them for a job well done, it stimulates everyone to work harder.

Why Is Recognition Vital?

First of all — every employee, no matter what job position he or she has, is always hungry for recognition. So, by recognising their efficiency, you will motivate them and bring out their hidden talents. Co-workers that are rewarded for trying hard and go that extra mile are fulfilled and more productive, more loyal and eager to contribute in a meaningful way.

Good feedback and authentic recognition causes a chemical reaction in the brain. It releases serotonin and dopamine, which are known as “feel-good” chemicals. Due to this good feeling, every employee will work hard to get that recognition again, because he or she felt good receiving that positive feedback.

The Power of Recognition

Managers should never underestimate the power of recognition, because it can be a great weapon in their motivation arsenal, if used at the right time and in moderation. When an executive recognises a rare achievement or a great effort, it only increases the value of a job well done. Recognition can sometimes be as simple as a company-wide email, a handwritten note or a few words of praise. These will go a long way.

Perhaps some sort of award upon completion of an extremely difficult project or just a simple handshake; you will be surprised to see how much driven motivation you will be able to create. The key is to find a creative way that will work for your employees, something that will be a constant reminder that their achievement has done a lot for their company.

It is important to praise your employees as part of a team, but you need to have in mind that each member of the team needs to be recognised for his or her individual accomplishments. Your co-workers expect that they will be recognised for completing a certain task, which will strongly motivate them to go that extra mile. When providing recognition for a certain accomplishment, you raise their self-esteem, reinforce their value to the company, improve their self-image and encourage your employees to accomplish even better results in the future.

Importance of Recognition and Rewards

Recognition and praise followed by Rewards go really long way into raising the bar and setting up the ground for an even better performance from the employee. At some point, managers will need reward their employees for the superior results. Motivating your employees is important, but if the rewards do not come after those extra efforts, employees may come to realise that they have tried hard for nothing. Rewards do not necessarily mean money, they may come in various shapes and sizes, and they can be tangible or intangible.

For example, tangible rewards can be things like a briefcase, a bonus, a gift certificate or a pay increase. Sometimes, intangible rewards can have the same effect, but they cost the company way less. Perhaps something simple, like taking an employee to lunch and celebrating their achievement or giving them some time off; this can achieve a lot.

Recognition of Employee Achievement Is Rewarding To the Company

If you make your employees feel more like associates and you recognise their contribution to the company; if they feel like they are vital members of a team that achieves their goals, they will consider their company as something more than just a place where they work.

Recognition is priceless. It is much more important than money, as it increases employee loyalty, generates greater success and enhances the overall performance.

Always recognise the work your colleagues are doing for the company, simply put in some time and effort into it and demonstrate your appreciation. In ways that will let them know that you are aware of the good work they are doing. There are many creative ways to do that. Once you implement the program of employee recognition, you will instantly notice a significant improvement.

Article originally published on UpRaise Blog

